Wednesday, April 01, 2015

ISIS Lists Sen. Black, R.VA, As ‘Enemy’

Note from Global Rumblings Blogger~Sen. Black is a personal friend.  I can vouch for his integrity, high standards and patriotism.~ Dee Rohe

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Posted: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 7:50 pm | Updated: 10:34 am, Wed Apr 1, 2015.

A magazine published by the Islamic State has singled out Virginia Sen. Richard H. Black (R-13) and named him an enemy of the terrorist group.

The magazine Dabiq calls Black, along with former presidential candidate Rick Santorum and CIA veteran and author Gary Berntsen, “crusaders.” The most recent issue features full page photos of the men under the label, “In the words of the enemy.”

Black said he was contacted Monday by a representative from Virginia Capitol Police, who told him the Islamic State named him among their key enemies.
“It doesn’t make me nervous—I have been on the front lines in Vietnam in battle—but it is very intriguing,” he said from his home Tuesday evening.
The magazine includes a long quote from Black taken from an interview he had with the Russian state RT news service about a month ago. In the quote, he warns that if the Syrian government topples, the “most extreme Islamic groups” will take over, and from there “ultimately, Europe will be conquered.”
Black told Leesburg Today that he believed the Islamic State’s decision to post his quote is less about warning him but meant to send a message to its followers.
“I think they’re saying to its followers not only do we tell
you what our intentions are, but here is one of our enemies who understands our intentions,” he said.
Black represents western Loudoun in the state Senate, and is not in an official position to influence foreign policy decisions. However, he has been vocal about combating global terrorism and worked as chief of the U.S. Army’s Criminal Law Division while stationed in Germany in the 1980s.
He made international headlines a year ago after he sent a letter to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, thanking him for supporting Christians. Assad posted the letter on his Facebook page.

ISIS Lists Loudoun’s Sen. Black As ‘Enemy’ - Leesburg Today Online—Daily News Coverage of Loudoun County, Leesburg, Ashburn: News:

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