Sunday, January 18, 2015

Not Quite Right - Facebook Symbols and Chat Emoticons

Not quite right
Not quite right in head smiley
For status, comments and chat 

Copy the emoticon.
Click on  icon on Facebook.
Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Not quite right smileyThis smiley is suggesting that there may be a few screws loose. While witnessing screwy behavior on Facebook is certainly a rare experience, we thought there might be some use for this smiley among your FB acquaintance. Unless all of your peeps are reliably sane, we think there might be some use for this after all.
Our website is a free source for hundreds of symbols and chat emoticons which can be used on Facebook!
Facebook Emoji - list of Emoticons for Facebook
As the latest social networking trend, our new Facebook chat emoticons and smileys are currently the most popularly used symbols on Facebook! Our large-scale emoticons may be used in Facebook timelines, chat messages, and on any device simply by sending or sharing to your specified FB location. There are not unnecessary installs or add-ons associated with our images, so the process is always simple and you are just a click away from expressing your thoughts and feelings with your Facebook friends.

We currently have more than 1000 Facebook emoticons and smileys. Since these Facebook shortcuts are supported by all the popular browsers, you can easily send secret smileys and hidden Facebook emoticons to all your friends to enjoy.

New Emoticon Codes For Facebook Chat

When browsing our site, you will also discover dozens of Unicode signs and Facebook symbol codes for your status and comments. We have popular Facebook symbols like smiley faces -_- ☻ ☹ ☺ ㋡ (•◡•) heart symbols ❤ ♥ ❥ ❧ ❦ ღ ♡ peace signs ☮ ✌ music symbols ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ and stars ✩ ✪ ✫ ✬ ★ as well as many singular symbols that allow you to create a cool status! ٩(●̮̃•)۶

See many more:

Not Quite Right - Facebook Symbols and Chat Emoticons:

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