Sunday, November 09, 2014

Is your TV Spying on YOU? New World Order Trojan Horse


It sounds like science fiction but many new TVs can watch you - telling advertisers your favourite shows or even filming you on the sofa. (Or your bed) 

And there's no off switch!

On the other side of the world, people you didn't know existed are keeping a beady eye on your every move
On the other side of the world, people you didn't know existed are keeping a beady eye on your every move
These characters can see what clothes you have been wearing and what food you’ve eaten. They heard every word you said, and logged every TV show you watched. Some are criminals, others work for major corporations. And now they know your most intimate secrets.
It may sound like a plot summary for a futuristic science-fiction movie. But real-life versions of this Orwellian scenario are being played out every day in towns and cities across the globe — and in most cases the victims have no idea.
At fault is a common electronic device invented nearly a century ago and found in almost every modern household: the domestic television set.
Put simply, our TVs have started spying on us.
Last week, there was a high-profile case in point. An IT consultant called Jason Huntley, who lives in a village near Hull, uncovered evidence that a flat-screen television, which had been sitting in his living room since the summer, was secretly invading his family’s privacy.
He began investigating the £400 LG device after noticing that its home screen appeared to be showing him ‘targeted’ adverts — for cars, and Knorr stock cubes — based on programmes he’d just been watching.
Huntley decided to monitor information that the so-called smart TV — which connects to the internet — was sending and receiving. He did this by using his laptop effectively as a bridge between his television and the internet receiver, so the laptop was able to show all the data being sucked out of his set.
He soon discovered that details of not just every show he watched but every button he pressed on his remote control were being sent back to LG’s corporate headquarters  in South Korea.
Smart televisions, which connect to the internet, could be invading ordinary families' privacy (stock picture)
Smart televisions, which connect to the internet, could be invading ordinary families' privacy (stock picture)
There, the electronics company appeared to be using its customers’ data to make money. A promotional video shown to commercial clients suggested that data was being used to provide ‘the ad experience you have always dreamed of’.
The information Huntley’s TV had sent — without his knowledge — included the contents of his private digital video collection, which he’d watched on the television. This included camcorder footage of family celebrations containing images of his wife and two young children.
Most worrying of all, the device continued sending such information to Korea even after Huntley had adjusted the television’s default settings to ‘opt out’ of data sharing.
Huntley wrote about the findings on his blog. After his case was picked up by mainstream news outlets, LG announced an investigation. ‘Customer privacy is a top priority,’ the firm said. ‘We are looking into reports that certain viewing information on LG smart TVs was shared without consent.’
LG has also removed its promotional video about targeted advertising from its website.
The Information Commissioner’s Office says it is now investigating the firm for a ‘possible breach’ of the Data Protection Act. Jason Huntley, meanwhile, tells me he is ‘very suspicious and also a little worried’ by the affair.
‘I don’t think we’ve heard the last of this. Who knows what else these televisions are doing that we don’t know about?’
It doesn’t take much digging to find out. Talk to any IT security expert and they will tell you that Huntley’s discovery is probably the tip of the iceberg.
What’s to blame is the continuing rise of smart televisions, which account for most new TV sets sold and are predicted to be in more than half of British homes by 2016. These high-tech devices differ from traditional televisions in that they are not just passive boxes that receive a signal and transfer it to a backlit screen.
Instead, they are essentially computers that connect to the internet — and so also send information back the other way.
In theory, this can be extremely useful. For example, many smart TVs have shopping ‘apps’ to access Amazon. They connect to iTunes. They allow us to watch YouTube, instantly download films via Netflix, stream BBC shows on iPlayer, and talk to friends using the video phone link Skype.
But in practice, like almost every type of computer, they can be all-too-easily hacked. And unlike PCs, almost all of which have fairly good anti-virus ‘firewalls’, smart TVs have little or no such software.
Indeed, most have been designed so that outside software — including anti-virus programmes — can never be installed.
This year, Luigi Auriemma, an IT security researcher and computer programmer from Malta, demonstrated the risks that these devices pose when he showed it was possible to hack into several types of Samsung smart television.
Last week, IT consultant Jason Huntley uncovered evidence that his LG flat-screen television, which had been sitting in his living room since the summer, was secretly invading his family's privacy
Last week, IT consultant Jason Huntley uncovered evidence that his LG flat-screen television, which had been sitting in his living room since the summer, was secretly invading his family's privacy
After accessing the devices via the internet, Auriemma was able to control them: turning the TVs off and on, and secretly accessing data they held about a user’s viewing habits.
Had he been a criminal, he could also have obtained details of the credit cards that users had uploaded to access pay-per-view TV, download films or use  shopping apps.
Other experts recently made the chilling discovery that it is possible to remotely access the video cameras built into the front of thousands of smart televisions, and spy on the users in their own home.
One such expert is Kurt Stammberger, who works for the IT security firm Mocana. He says the company was recently asked by a television manufacturer to do ‘penetration tests’ on its devices.
‘We weren’t just able to find out what someone was watching, and had watched,’ he says. ‘We could also install “spyware” that could, if they had a video camera, allow us to see through that camera — without even activating the little light that indicates it’s on.
‘It was a fairly straightforward thing to do. People who work in IT often place tape over their computer’s camera lens [in a laptop they are usually set into the inside of the lid] unless they want to actually use it, because it’s so common to hack them. We should all do the same with smart TVs.’
Such an attack, which Stammberger describes as ‘frighteningly easy’ to mount, could provide voyeuristic hackers with a chance to snoop on unsuspecting home-owners in their living rooms or bedrooms.

The Story of the first Trojan Horse

(The following are two older articles, but see how prophetic they were! They explain a lot.)

Digital TV: The Trojan Horse of the New World Order

"And another angel, a third, followed them, saying with a loud voice, "If any one worships the beast and its image, and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he also shall drink the wine of God's wrath, poured unmixed into the cup of his anger, and he shall be tormented with fire and sulphur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment goes up for ever and ever; and they have no rest, day or night, these worshipers of the beast and itsimage, and whoever receives the mark of its name." Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus."  (Cf. Rev 14:9-12)

"Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain.  And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, and threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years were ended. After that he must be loosed for a little while.  Then I saw thrones, and seated on them were those to whom judgment was committed. Also I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their testimony to Jesus and for the word of God, and who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life, and reigned with Christ a thousand years." (Cf. Rev 20:1-4)

For years, Our Lord has warned us to avoid looking at the Antichrist once he surfaces.  He told us that the Antichrist will have demonic powers of influence and persuasion; and that the Antichrist's eyes will have hypnotic power to cause one to worship him and accept the subdermal microchip, the Mark of the Beast (Rev 13). Jesus told us repeatedly to discard all electronic means of hearing or seeing the Antichrist after the Warning (e.g. all television sets, computer monitors and radios).

We discussed this at length in the following writing which we incorporate herein by reference:
Beware of Electronic Surveillance In & Around Your Homes

Countries throughout the world are in the process of mandating (or have mandated) a conversion from analog television to that of digital television (high definition television or HDTV).  In an effort to ensure that all Americans convert to digital TV, the US Government is partially subsidizing the conversion costs.  We note that the governments of the world did not subsidize the conversion from horse-drawn buggies to automobiles, nor the conversion from crystal radio sets to sophisticated radios, nor the implementation of the telephone system, nor the conversion from long-playing albums to CDs.  Why is the money-hungry government offering a helping hand this time?

Jul 19, 2014
Agenda: Grinding America Down. Did you know that Saul Alinsky dedicated his book ti Lucifer? A film that finally puts the pieces of the puzzle together. If you've wondered why America has been falling apart from within, you ...

The story of the Trojan horse, and the old warning about 'Greeks bearing gifts' comes to mind.

In the following message via John Leary
(1), Jesus provides an additional warning.  He tells us that the digital television sets have the ability to emit certain silent signals at frequencies that effect, and can control, our minds.

Sounds hard to believe, doesn't it?

Following that is an article from a liberty advocacy web site, citing scientific studies involving such silent signals, related news articles, and more.  Excerpts from an additional but unrelated article indicates that companies are experimenting with software that will enable the television set [and others]
to identify people in the room in front of it. 

"This time is our time."

Our Lord is warning us as He did Lot and His family (Gen. 19).  We must obey His warnings, and all will be well.

God bless you and your families, 

Ron and Ben

John Leary

March 3, 2009:
Jesus said: "My people, you are aware of fiber optic cables coming into your house which has two-way communication. High definition digital cable enables the Cable company to see and hear what is going on by your TV. You have learned of another potential threat to your brain functions when analog broadcast will go over to digital signals. The broadcast signals could embed a silent sound signal with a similar frequency to your brain waves. This signal could affect your subconscious mind to do things against your will. I told you to remove your TVs and computer monitors out of your house after the Warning to avoid looking at the Antichrist. This latest technology may be another reason to avoid watching TV for long periods of time. An analog signal would create static when using this silent ELF signal, but a digital signal would not be affected, so you would not know if it was being used or not. Limit your TV watching to a minimum to protect your mental faculties. Call on My protection and heed My warnings."

HDTV: It's Not Just Crisper Images and Richer Sound

THE IDAHO OBSERVER - January 2009 -- I read a story once about how to catch wild hogs. You bait them with food and, once they get comfortable and show up to eat consistently, you build one side of a pen. The hogs will stay away for a few days but the easy groceries will bring them back again. Then you build the second side of the pen. If you keep that up until the pen is built and the hogs enter through the open gate to eat, all you have to do then is close the gate.

The television broadcast industry was scheduled to change over from analog to digital Feb. 17, 2009. The switch has been delayed indefinitely for reasons that vary depending upon the source and interpretation of source information.

Regardless, we have seen the marketplace expansion of interest in "High Definition (HD) TV" and consumers' appreciation for the new generation of television technology increase dramatically in recent years. To the majority of the TV watching public, the switch to HDTV is just another step in the process of replacing outdated analog systems with digital technology that offers greater image and sound reproduction compatible with modern electronic digital media players.

But better sound and a clearer picture is just the beginning. The evidence shows that HD technology can also be used to remotely gain complete control over the thoughts, emotions and actions of people who will have no power to resist.

The power that could potentially be wielded by those capable of remotely controlling people's thoughts and actions is virtually limitless. An "experiment" of what can happen when large numbers of humans are subjected to remote control was successful in 1990 and witnessed by the whole world when Iraqi troops began surrendering to coalition forces. Newsweek magazine reported July 30, 1990, that the U.S. military successfully deployed "Silent Sounds" through the FM frequency radio band used by the Iraqi army after Saddam's military communications system had been destroyed by coalition forces. "According to statements made by captured and deserting Iraqi soldiers --- the most devastating and demoralizing programming was the first known military use of the new, high-tech type of subliminal messages referred to as 'ultra-high-frequency silent sounds' or 'silent subliminals,'" Newsweek reported.

Once system-wide conversion to HDTV is made, the silent sounds that neutralized the Iraqi army can be planted into the minds of Americans enjoying the crisper images and richer sounds of digitized TV. Through HDTV, "Big Brother" will be able to order troops to invade the homes of America and begin seizing weapons, food, valuables and maybe even children while our people are absolutely paralyzed for no apparent reason and can do nothing to defend themselves, their families and their homes.

Dr. Delgado

The desire to remotely control animals and people goes back as far as the desire to remotely control machines and for the same reasons. The New York Times reported May 17, 1965, that Dr. Jose Delgado of the Yale University School of Medicine had remotely taken control of a fighting bull with silent sounds during an experiment conducted the previous year in Cordoba, Spain. "Afternoon sunlight poured over the high wooden barriers into the [bullfighting] ring, as the brave bull bore down on the unarmed matador, a scientist who had never faced a fighting bull. But the charging animal's horn never reached the man behind the heavy red cape. Moments before that could happen, Dr. Delgado pressed a button on a small radio transmitter in his hand and the bull braked to a halt. Then he pressed another button on the transmitter, and the bull obediently turned to the right and trotted away. The bull was obeying commands in his brain that were being called forth by electrical stimulation by the radio signals to certain regions in which fine wires had been painlessly planted the day before," wrote John A. Osmundsen of The New York Times.

According to Dr. Delgado, experiments of this type had also been performed on humans. While giving a lecture on the Brain in 1965, Dr. Delgado said, "Science has developed a new methodology for the study and control of cerebral function in animals and humans."

In a telling comment to Congress published in the Congressional Record (No. 26, Vol. 118, February 24, 1974), Dr. Delgado, representing the Yale University Medical School, expressed why he felt the development of techniques for remotely controlling animals and humans was so important: "The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective. Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electronically control the brain. Someday armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain." [emphasis added] ---

Beyond Dr. Delgado

Since Dr. Delgado's comparatively crude experiments over 30 and 40 years ago, a complete record of the advances being made in the field of remotely controlling other living beings has been published in the scientific literature-and in the U.S. Patent Office.

US PATENT # 4,858,612, issued to Philip Stocklin Dec. 19, 1983, is "For direct transmission of sound into the human auditory cortex [a section of the brain]."

The abstract basically explains that ears are no longer necessary because words can be implanted directly into your brain. This is called "synthetic telepathy."

US Patent #5,159,703 which describes the "Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS)," was developed for military use by Dr. Oliver Lowery of Norcross , Georgia and granted on Oct. 27, 1992.

SSSS, or "S-Quad," is described in the abstract as, "A silent communications system in which nonaural carriers, in the very low (ELF) or very high audio-frequency (VHF) range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum, are amplitude-or frequency-modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones, or piezoelectric transducers. The modulated carriers may be transmitted directly in real time or may be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic, or optical media for delayed or repeated transmission to the listener."

In layman's terms, this device, this "Sound of Silence" simply allows for the unwarranted implantation of specific thoughts, emotions and even prescribed physical actions into unsuspecting human beings.

Why the switch?

It has recently been decided on a global scale to eliminate the standard analog television broadcasts and convert to digital only. Why? If SSSS was being broadcast through traditional televisions via the analog system, it would show up as static on our stations and, therefore, be detectable. Once SSSS is delivered digitally through HDTV, no one will notice. ---

Further indications that HDTV will be used for ill
Even instincts and emotions can be changed. In another study by Dr. Delgado, a mother giving continuous care to her baby suddenly pushed the infant away whenever the signal was given. 
Dr. Ross Adey determined that merely placing a subject in an electromagnetic field could remotely influence emotional states and behavior. Adey and others have compiled an entire library of frequencies and pulsation rates which can affect the mind and nervous system

Dr. Eldon Byrd. From 1980 to 1983, Dr. Eldon Byrd ran the Marine Corps Nonlethal Electromagnetic Weapons project. He conducted most of his research at the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute in Bethesda , Md. During this time, Dr. Byrd stated, "We were looking at electrical activity in the brain and how to influence it. ---" 
By using very low frequency electromagnetic radiation-the waves way below radio frequencies on the electromagnetic spectrum-Dr. Byrd found he could induce the brain to release behavior-regulating chemicals. "We could put animals into a stupor" by hitting them with these very low frequencies. "We got chick brains-in vitro-to dump 80 percent of the natural opioids in their brains," Dr. Byrd said. ---

Dr. Stephen Aftergood. Director of the Project on Government Secrecy, Dr. Stephen Aftergood with the Federation of American Scientists said during a CNN interview with David Mattingly on the American Edge Show on June 18, 1997, "The idea that electro-magnetic energy can be used against people and not just against other weapons or electronic systems, is current; it is understood that this is an option and it makes the surprising claim that a psychophysical effect on people is possible for the purpose of altering their behavior, and even controlling the social aims of regional or even global societies. The fact is that today the United States is spending as much money on developing psychophysical weapons as on the most complex space programs."

Artificial recreation of natural phenomena

--- We now live in a time where the artificial creation and amplification of the naturally-occurring phenomena of biologically-compromising energy fields has been weaponized.


Dr. Robert J. Bunker of California State University at San Bernardino is an "unconventional war" expert and the editor of the "INSS Occasional Paper," 15 USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy, Colorado. In his article, "Electromagnetic, High Power Microwave [HPM] Weapons," Dr. Bunker wrote that HPMs can also cause human unconsciousness without permanent maiming by upsetting the neural pathways in the brain or they can be made lethal.

Evidence that testing of silent sounds is ongoing was noted in an Associated Press article published shortly after Gulf War II began.

SOUTHERN IRAQ Saturday, March 22, 2003

Associated Press-U.S. and British forces streamed in a long line of tanks and armored vehicles toward Basra, Iraq's second largest city, on Saturday, a day after they collected underfed and overwhelmed Iraqi soldiers who surrendered in droves.

An entire Iraqi division, the 51st Infantry, gave up to U.S. troops Friday, military officials said. A key unit for Basra 's defense with 8,000 men and up to 200 tanks, it was the largest defection in a day when Saddam Hussein's forces showed signs of crumbling.

Saturday morning, American Marines and British troops rumbled along the main road from the Kuwaiti border to Basra , Highway 80-nicknamed the "Highway of Death" during the 1991 Gulf War when U.S. airstrikes wiped out an Iraqi military convoy along it.

At the Kuwait border, hundreds of tanks, armored personnel carriers, Humvees and trucks were lined up Saturday in a desert muddied by overnight rain, waiting in columns to pass into Iraq . It resembled a great train yard in the desert--some lines 70 vehicles long, others 50 long.

In the wake of the allied force, Iraqi captives were left packed into improvised pens of concertina wire, watched over by Marines. Partly disassembled rifles taken from the surrendering soldiers were piled beside the road. [emphasis added]

The implication here is that the Iraqi soldiers had, themselves, partially disassembled their weapons before surrendering them. Since there is no known incident in the history of war where soldiers had attempted to render their weapons inoperable before surrendering them, one can assume that these soldiers responded to a silent order to do so.

--- The coming conversion to HDTV has been orchestrated to free the airwaves for the potential puppeting of mankind. It is difficult to imagine any other reason why the government would be so concerned about our television viewing habits. When government can dictate every thought, every emotion and every movement in each member of society, we all become electronic toys remotely controllable for political and commercial purposes. 
For the complete article see:

Comcast Cameras to Start Watching You?

NEWTEEVEE - March 18, 2008 -- If you have some tinfoil handy, now might be a good time to fashion a hat. At the Digital Living Room conference today, Gerard Kunkel, Comcast's senior VP of user experience, told me the cable company is experimenting with different camera technologies built into devices so it can know who's in your living room. 
The idea being that if you turn on your cable box, it recognizes you and pulls up shows already in your profile or makes recommendations. ---

--- Kunkel said the system wouldn't be based on facial recognition, so there wouldn't be a picture of you on file (we hope). Instead, it would distinguish between different members of your household by recognizing body forms. He stressed that the system is still in the experimental phase, that there hasn't been consumer testing, and that any rollout "must add value" to the viewing experience beyond serving ads. ---

For the complete article see:

Agenda, Grinding America Down, (Full Movie)
- America the Dumb

Modern Devices Containing the Chip

The following is a brief list of modern devices that contain a microchip that can be tracked by the agents of the New World Order. This list is not comprehensive:

Late model automobiles (those manufactured after 1984 have computers), cellular telephones, electronic pagers, national smart identification cards, smart driver's licenses, smart credit cards, smart passports & visas, personal digital assistants (pda's), satellite dishes, Fastrak & EZ Passes and other toll booth cards for tollways, automobile license plates, shoppers cards, gas station cards, student identification cards, passes for the work place, GPS positioning and locating devices, Onstar and LoJac automobile location systems, watches and bracelets with the chip, radio frequency identification tags (also known as RFID's) in consumer goods including food and clothing, microwave ovens, articles from China, and of course --- the Mark Of the Beast, the subdermal microchip in the hand or forehead.

Modern Devices Monitored

The following is a brief list of modern devices in which we are monitored by the agents of the New World Order. This list is not comprehensive:

Telephones; cellular telephones; electronic mail (e-mail); the Internet; high definition television; fax machines and cable television.

New book, lawmaker expose Big Brother
technology in the living room

Interactive TV Spies on Viewers
Ground-breaking legislation in California is fighting Microsoft and AOL to stop them creating the machine George Orwell foresaw - the TV set that watches you.
At the same time, a new book titled Spy TV exposes the methods by which digital interactive television will observe and experiment of viewers. It describes how neural network software will be used to create "psychographic profiles" and then "modify the behavior" of individuals.

This year broadcasters will celebrate interactive TV in public, using words like "convenience" and "empowerment". AOL TV is rolling out with the TiVo personal video recorder (PVR), that helps viewers find and save programs they might like. Microsoft is launching its own PVR called Ultimate TV, claiming "It puts you in control!". But while you may be sold on home shopping and chat, broadcasters have been selling advertisers their new power to monitor everything you do with your remote.

At industry conferences on interactive TV, Microsoft has been handing out specifications of its new platform. Their Microsoft TV Server, for instance, enables "optimizes revenue opportunities by providing rich personalization and targeting of content and ads to consumers based on their television viewing and Web surfing histories and preferences."
Matthew Timms, of Two Way TV in London, describes this surveillance in the home in plain English:
"..Somehow they feel they're sitting there - it's just them and the television - even though the reality is it's got a wire leading straight back to somebody's computer."

Now in bookstores, Spy TV is the backbone of an effort by White Dot, the anti-television campaign, to educate the public about this invasive technology. Finally his paying customers will get to hear Phil Swain of Cable and Wireless describe the huge amounts of data he will gather:

"Changing channels, selecting certain programs, viewing habits, browsing through interactive sites, purchasing habits, all that kind of stuff we can track. Every click, we can track. We will be recording that information."

In another recent development, Motorola Broadband, ACTV and OpenTV have announced investment in a subsidy called SpotOn, designed to create profiles of over 7 million viewers, without their knowledge. ACTV looks forward to delivering commercials based on "the specific profile of an individual household, which is generated by ACTV's software within the digital set-top in the home."

SpotOn's head of Sales in Dever, Bob Evans is proud of what he sells advertisers:
"That (set-top) box can hold 64,000 bits of information about you!"
Your TV set will know you intimately. Another intereactive TV company, NDS, is owned by Rupert Murdoch's News International. Here they describe a product called XTV that manages the data your television will capture:
"Viewers can be segmented by a host of new demographics, psychographics and qualitative preferences, based on actual viewing behavior, while advertisers can create low cost messages tailored to these new niche markets."
Both SpotOn and XTV will be supported on the set-top boxes used by Liberate (the operating system of AOLTV) and Microsoft TV (the operating system of Ultimate TV)
Every move you make, for half the time you're not sleeping or working, will go into a file with your name on it. That's many times more data than even internet marketers like DoubleClick could dream of. Who gets use of that file? Large companies, government.. the highest bidder. What is it used for? Here's how one consultant put it:
"What we're all trying to do is change or reinforce existing behavior."
Control. That's the buzzword being used to sell interactive television. But who is getting that control? For a year and a half David Burke of the anti-television campaign White Dot, has been talking to broadcasters, marketers, advertisers and IT consultants about their plans for this machine.
What really excites them is the way interactive TV creates experimental conditions in the home. Your TV will be able to show you something, monitor how you respond, and then show you something else based on what you did. It's a cycle of stimulus, measurement and response that will allow your TV set to learn about you, adapt to you and work on you over time. Until it has you doing what it wants.
Your behavior is the video game these men are playing, and they talk about their viewers as if they were lab rats. Here a database analyst working with one of the interactive broadcasters talks the new language of home entertainment:
"You have to create some control group testing, in effect throw people some placebos. So if we're trying to increase their spend, or increase their usage or increase their customer satisfaction scores, we'll take one group and split it down the middle and expose it to two separate batches of data presentation."
Whoever controls your interactive TV will be able to spend years of your life just trying different combinations of programming until they find out what makes you do things. And increasingly, that controller will not be human. It will be a computer running artificial intelligence software, capable of learning and adapting. "The ultimate goal," says one consultant, "is to crack human personality in real time."
And when that goal is reached, even if they just come close, how easy will it be to sell each viewer a bottle of shampoo? A government policy? A new form of government? "There is no limit to this technology," says one excited broadcaster, "The limit is only as far as the mind can imagine!"
David Burke, a computer programmer himself, agrees. That's how he wrote most of the book:
"Every time I thought of some new way interactive TV could work," he says, "to control viewer behavior, I called up the companies involved and found they were already working on it. The unbelievable thing is: we are actually paying them to do this to us!"

Privacy International awarded Spy TV a "Winston" at its 1999 Big Brother Awards and now joins White Dot, Junkbusters, and the Center for Media Education in calling for a guarantee that viewers can "opt in" instead of having to "opt out".

It is just such an approach to personal privacy that California State Senator Debra Bowen is seeking to make into law. California already protects people from being tape recorded or filmed in their homes without their expressed permission. Her bill (SB 1599) simply extended that common sense approach to people's televisions. But lobbyists from AOL and Microsoft managed to kill it last year. Now, as the Senate comes back into session, Bowen is gathering votes to bring it back (SB1090).

We haven't been told the truth about interactive television. 
This "service" is destroying a concept of privacy in the home that dates back 600 years. Spy TV has been written to call off this practical joke. Ask yourself: Who is this particular "digital revolution" overthrowing? Make sure it's not you.

For Information:


(1)    The mystical experiences of John Leary have yet-to-be approved by the Church. The library of his messages can be found at:

(2)    The words of Our Lady of All Nations, approved by the Church as worthy of belief.

Recommended Reading

Revelation 13 
Isaiah 24

To the Refuges on Wings of

At the Yahoo Era Of Peace web site:

Database:How to Prepare for the Tribulation
Archived Messages: #381.......Beware of Electronic Surveillance In & Around Your Homes
.......Everything Is Tainted
......US Government Approves Mark of the Beast
......A Satellite System for the Mark of the Beast
.......Smart Cards, Microchips & Isaiah 24
......Who's Behind the Threat of Global Terrorism?
........Terror Fears Usher in Subdermal Chips
......The Mark of the Beast & the Cashless Society
.......Terrorists, Subdermal Microchips & the Media
.......Order Out of Chaos: Freemasonry Motto
........VeriChip, Digital Angel & Rev. 13
.......Terror On The Horizon
......Tomkiel - Crops & Foods Poisoned - How to Purify
.......Tomkiel - Water Poisoned, How to Purify
......Tomkiel - Brief Equipment & Supplies Checklist
......Tomkiel - Wash, Cook, Bless & Sterilize
.......Tomkiel - Beware of Imports & Synthetics
......Tomkiel - Supplement Your Daily Nutrition
......Tomkiel - Additional Tribulation Preparations
.......Beware of Imports & Synthetics
......Beware of Medication & Evil Men
......Avoid Crowds & Strangers - Answer No Questions
......Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
.......Holy Mass Appeases Divine Justice - Fr. Arnoudt
......St. Joseph: A Saint For the End Times
......Tomkiel - Prayer For Safety
.......Lead A Life of Confident Hope - Fr. Arnoudt

Agenda: Grinding America Down
Did you know that Saul Alinsky dedicated his book ti Lucifer?
A film that finally puts the pieces of the puzzle together. If you've wondered why America has been falling apart from within, you will love AGENDA. Please share with everyone you can and order a few copies to give to pastors, representatives, and conservative leaders. America needs to see this film!

US Patent #5356368 Method of and Apparatus for Inducing Desired States of

See TV Mind Control, MK-Ultra?

I'm terrified of my new TV: Why I’m scared to turn this thing on - and you'd be, too
From facial recognition to personal data collection, this thing is downright scary -- and so are the implications

By: Michael Price

SALON.COM - October 30, 2014 -- I just bought a new TV. The old one had a good run, but after the volume got stuck on 63, I decided it was time to replace it. I am now the owner of a new "smart" TV, which promises to deliver streaming multimedia content, games, apps, social media and Internet browsing. Oh, and TV too.

The only problem is that I'm now afraid to use it. You would be too - if you read through the 46-page privacy policy.

The amount of data this thing collects is staggering. It logs where, when, how and for how long you use the TV. It sets tracking cookies and beacons designed to detect "when you have viewed particular content or a particular email message." It records " the apps you use, the websites you visit, and how you interact with content." It ignores " do-not-track" requests as a considered matter of policy.

It also has a built-in camera - with facial recognition. The purpose is to provide "gesture control" for the TV and enable you to log in to a personalized account using your face. On the upside, the images are saved on the TV instead of uploaded to a corporate server. On the downside, the Internet connection makes the whole TV vulnerable to hackers who have demonstrated the ability to take complete control of the machine.

More troubling is the microphone. The TV boasts a "voice recognition" feature that allows viewers to control the screen with voice commands. But the service comes with a rather ominous warning: "Please be aware that if your spoken words include personal or other sensitive information, that information will be among the data captured and transmitted to a third party. " Got that? Don’t say personal or sensitive stuff in front of the TV. 
You may not be watching, but the telescreen is listening… ."

For the complete article, see:

Can your "smart TV" watch you?

By Chenda Ngak

CBS NEWS - August 3, 2013 -- Closing the curtains in your living room may not close the doors on potential hackers. At a demonstration Friday in Las Vegas, researchers showed an audience of children at Defcon Kids how a Samsung Smart TV can be hacked.

So-called smart TVshave an operating system installed that is similar to a smartphone, which hosts third-party apps. People can browse the Internet, launch apps and take photos using their remote controls…

…One of the immediate questions that arises is whether the TV can turn its camera on its owner and open a gateway for home surveillance. The researchers say that a hacker could potentially take control of the TV's camera and remain undetected.

"They could actually either see live, streaming video into your home or office or to take still camera shots of you," Grattafiori said about potential hackers. "There's no physical indicator, nor visual indicator, that you'd be able to know your camera was on or taking pictures of you." …

For the complete article, see:

Is your smart TV spying on you?

By Clark Howard

CLARKHOWARD.COM December 13, 2013 --You've heard of the government spying on you and even businesses spying on you. But have you heard of your TV spying on you?!

If you're not familiar with "smart TVs," they are modern flatscreen TVs with built-in apps allowing you to access online content like Netflix, Hulu Plus, or Amazon Prime much more easily than you would access traditional broadcast content.

Well, now comes word that LG smart TVs were spying on what, when, and how customers watched whatever they were watching. In addition, LG was gathering the names of files stored on external USB drives that were connected to their smart TVs, according to… ."

For the complete article, see:

Is your TV spying on YOU? It sounds like science fiction but many new TVs can watch you - telling advertisers your favourite shows or even filming you on the sofa. And there's no off switch!

By Guy Adams

DAILYMAIL - 25 November 2013 -- You are sitting in bed in your pyjamas [sic], drinking a cup of cocoa. A loved one lies next to you, watching late-night television. Pillow talk is exchanged. An alarm clock is set. Eventually the lights are turned out.

Earlier, you sat on the living-room sofa eating supper, before loading the dishwasher and heading upstairs.

You have, in other words, just enjoyed a perfectly normal night, in a perfectly normal home. The curtains are drawn, the central heating turned up. It's cosy, relaxing and, above all, completely private. Or so you thought.

The truth turns out to be quite the opposite. For on the other side of the world, people you didn't know existed are keeping a beady eye on your every move.

These characters can see what clothes you have been wearing and what food you've eaten. They heard every word you said, and logged every TV show you watched. Some are criminals, others work for major corporations. And now they know your most intimate secrets. 
It may sound like a plot summary for a futuristic science-fiction movie. But real-life versions of this Orwellian scenario are being played out every day in towns and cities across the globe - and in most cases the victims have no idea.

At fault is a common electronic device invented nearly a century ago and found in almost every modern household: the domestic television set.

Put simply, our TVs have started spying on us.

Last week, there was a high-profile case in point. An IT consultant called Jason Huntley, who lives in a village near Hull, uncovered evidence that a flat-screen television, which had been sitting in his living room since the summer, was secretly invading his family's privacy…

The information Huntley's TV had sent - without his knowledge - included the contents of his private digital video collection, which he'd watched on the television. This included camcorder footage of family celebrations containing images of his wife and two young children.

Most worrying of all, the device continued sending such information to Korea even after Huntley had adjusted the television's default settings to 'opt out' of data sharing…

'I don't think we've heard the last of this. Who knows what else these televisions are doing that we don't know about?'

…This year, Luigi Auriemma, an IT security researcher and computer programmer from Malta, demonstrated the risks that these devices pose when he showed it was possible to hack into several types of Samsung smart television.

Last week, IT consultant Jason Huntley uncovered evidence that his LG flat-screen television, which had been sitting in his living room since the summer, was secretly invading his family's privacy

After accessing the devices via the internet, Auriemma was able to control them: turning the TVs off and on, and secretly accessing data they held about a user's viewing habits.

Had he been a criminal, he could also have obtained details of the credit cards that users had uploaded to access pay-per-view TV, download films or use shopping apps.

Other experts recently made the chilling discovery that it is possible to remotely access the video cameras built into the front of thousands of smart televisions, and spy on the users in their own home. 
One such expert is Kurt Stammberger, who works for the IT security firm Mocana. He says the company was recently asked by a television manufacturer to do 'penetration tests
' on its devices.

'We weren't just able to find out what someone was watching, and had watched,' he says. 'We could also install "spyware" that could, if they had a video camera, allow us to see through that camera - without even activating the little light that indicates it's on

And we may not even be safe in our own living rooms. 
For the complete article see:

Smart TVs can spy on their owners

RUSSIA TODAY - 15 December, 2012 -- Viewers, beware: while you're watching TV, your TV might be watching you back. A security firm discovered that Samsung's Smart TV can give hackers access to the device’s built-in camera and microphones, allowing them to watch everything you do.

The Malta-based firm ReVuln posted a video showing its team of researchers hacking into one of the Samsung TVs and accessing its settings, channel lists, widgets, USB drives, and remote control configurations. The security flaw allows hackers to access any and all personal data stored on the TV.

"We can install malicious software to gain complete root access to the TV," the video writes.

With this access, hackers can use the Smart TVs built-in camera and microphones to see and hear everything in front of it. Instead of just watching TV, viewers could themselves be watched without knowing it… ."

For the complete article, see:

The following warning is a newly released alert from the website of Steve Quayle. The warning is not to be taken lightly. Warning that major American cities may soon ‘disappear’ after a nuclear strike leaves total devastation, we will repeat once again, we have been warned! The warning below is an update of ‘V’s revelation from a 4-Star US General. The video below is from 3 days ago when Steve joined Sheila Zilinsky and the Hagmann and Hagmann Report and warns we are at the verge of incredibly mind-boggling events for this country.


America In Bondage by Steve Quayle

If the Warnings of Fatima Are Not Heeded . . .
A Gallup poll disclosed that only one and one-half percent of all catholics in the United States really know the Fatima message. Why? because the other 98.5 percent of American Catholics are ignoring-----or do not have a chance to learn about-----God's plan for a just and lasting place-----"so that everyone would believe."
The time was October 13, 1917. The place was Fatima, Portugal. This "miracle of the sun" was witnessed by more than 70,000 people. An event so outstanding that it was reported in many secular newspapers of the times-----including the influential O Dia and O Seculo, papers run by atheists and agnostics.
At that time and in four previous apparitions, Our Blessed Mother told three shepherd children that wars are a punishment due to sin and that man must stop offending God "already too much offended." She predicted that if people did not follow the "Peace Plan from Heaven" Russia would rise and spread her errors throughout the world and that "various nations would be annihilated." She also predicted World War II which would come in the reign of Pius XI-----and it arrived right on schedule.  

Russia (communism), China (communism) and the Middle East (Islam) are against the God of Israel.  Not the people, but their governments - the "isms" --

Let us not allow our government, indeed our country, to turn against God! 

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