Monday, November 17, 2014

Dire Headlines Redux

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PKR=Prophecykeepers Radio and Foundation, a ministry of Oklevueha Native American Church of The White Roots of Peace, a 501(c) Public Foundation and a United Charitable Programs at The White Roots of Peace Council was founded by the late 6 Nations Peacemaker Mad Bear Anderson, Sachem of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. We tell unpopular truths at that others are afraid to tell... and cannot profit from. IF YOU ARE SICK or suffer from STRESS related disease or if you have CANCER or want to avoid contracting it see If you are part Cherokee, or wish to be adopted, register free as a citizen with a Cherokee Nation that is federally recognized by a North American Government at

Ukraine's PM says main task is to build army to stop Russia
Russian aggression against Ukraine a threat to world - Obama
The United States, as the world's only superpower, is leading the global community in opposing Russia's aggression against Ukraine, as well as other threats, U.S. President Barack Obama said on Saturday.
More Europe countries to recognizing Palestine: EU official
US was wrong to say Assad must go: Kissinger
Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has admitted that Washington’s scenario to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has been a mistake.
2nd Grader's Homework Teaches 'The Government GIVES Us Rights'
Why are stocks still soaring,
even though the Fed stopped QE?
Initially, QE arguably hasn’t totally stopped been stopped. And – of course – Japan’s massive QE is helping the Dow and S&P as well. Additionally, several central banks are directly buying stocks.   They include the central banks of SwitzerlandJapan, Israel, the Czech Republic, and a total of 23 percent of all nations worldwide.  (And it has long been rumored that the Fed buys stocks through proxies.)
13 Chemicals Used In U.S. Food Products
That Are Banned In Other Countries
NO CONTROL Documentary Trailer
Buffalo, N.Y., police unveiled a plan to confiscate legally owned guns days after their owners’ death, using an old, rarely enforced state law, Fox News reported.
Tampa CBS | Students, teachers and parents were taken by surprise after an “active shooter drill” brought the Winter Haven middle school into lockdown.
 “I have only one thing to say to you: you need to get out of Ukraine.”
In the past 3 months there has been much discussion regarding the gruesome and barbaric beheadings by ISIS of western hostages.
NY Times | Obama on Sunday said he told President Vladimir V. Putin in meetings last week that the United States and its allies would continue to impose sanctions on Russia.
'We don't monitor the behaviors of American citizens':
New NSA director slams agency critics and accuses Edward Snowden of jeopardizing US counterintelligence
“The CDC for the first time publicly says Morgellons is “an emerging public health problem.”
From Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life: The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology (FULL LENGTH VIDEO)
November 16th as “the day money dies,”
As of this morning all nations belonging to the G20 will immediately submit and pass legislation that will fulfill a new investment program.This new program creates a whole new paradigm and set of rules whereby banks will no longer recognize your deposits as money….The theft of the people’s money has already been rehearsed by the powers that be in the banking industry. Regulators from theUnited States and the United Kingdom got together in a war room to see how they will cope when the next big bank fails.
Iran launches Middle East's ‘biggest' gold plant, plans to double production
Iran has opened a new gold processing plant, reportedly the biggest in the Middle East, hoping to double its production of precious metals. Using a unique technology, Tehran says it will now mine up to three tons of gold per year.
Rumors of Swiss repatriation vote sends
gold and silver skyrocketing
Switzerland's vote to repatriate their gold from vaults in Europe and the U.S. will follow this weekend's meeting of the G20 nations and the coming together of most major economic leaders in Brisbane, Australia
Evil in Oklahoma: Exorcisms on the rise
OKLAHOMA CITY - The bible is clear. 
 “The devil prowls like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”
We see it everywhere, everyday.
Pastor Kelly Tiger believes the devil came calling to his Watonga, Oklahoma church recently.
Fearing Bombs That Can Pick Whom to Kill
A Long Range Anti-Ship Missile prototype, launched by a B-1 bomber, is designed to maneuver without human control
The WAR on Jesus Christ:
Islam Invades US House Floor with
Prayer to Allah
Allah Praised on House Floor - 
The house of representatives allowed an IMAM to praise Allah on the Floor of the house and give the 
opening prayer today, November 13th, 2014.
Christian booted from National Cathedral
Tells why she made trip from Tennessee to counter Muslim prayer service
It was supposed to be a shining moment for proponents of the interfaith movement.
The Islamic “jummah,” or Friday call to prayer, would be held on America’s grandest Christian stage – the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.
Vatican brings faiths, including LDS, together in historic conference
Deseret News -- Saturday, Nov. 15 2014
ROME — As heavy rains descended on the Eternal City this weekend, so too did hundreds of religious leaders and scholars who will participate in a historic interfaith conference at the Vatican…And it marks the first time that leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ ofLatter-day Saints will participate in a Vatican event with the pope. President Henry B. Eyring, First Counselor in the LDS First Presidency, will speak to the conference on Tuesday. He is accompanied by Elder L. Tom Perry, a member of the church’s Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and Bishop Gérald Caussé of the Presiding Bishopric…
The choir performed Saturday night at the Church of the Gesù, mother church of theJesuits.
"God works through us," he said. "We believe that God is incarnational, therefore God is working in us, and through us, and I think that has a lot to do with a pope’s influence.
"Rome itself has a certain lure. Rome has been the Eternal City, some call it, it keeps recreating itself over the years and centuries, and I think that has a lot to do with it…Vatican II conference in 1962 to create and improve dialogue with other faiths.
Pope John Paul II emphasized ecumenism, the promotion of unity between Christian faiths. This week's conference adds evidence that Pope Francis is re-energizing the movement in Catholicism.
LDS at Vatican
Latter-day Saints leaders have visited the Vatican before, and have been in meetings with a Pope before, but they have not participated before in an official Vatican event or been involved in a meeting with the Pope at the Vatican.
In April 2008, Elders M. Russell Ballard and Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles became thefirst Latter-day Saints to participate in a papal prayer service when Pope Benedict XVI conducted a large one with leaders of Christian faiths at St. Joseph’s Parish in New York.
Their participation was widely seen as an indication of improved relations, begun under the leadership of the late LDS Church President Gordon B. Hinckley


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New World Order - Report - Watch 

The Anti-Christ Identity? Can we know it now?


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