Thursday, October 09, 2014

U.S.Economy to be Destroyed by Ebola


Ebola outbreak could devastate sectors of U.S. economy, warns Health Ranger

Once Americans fear going out in public, economy will shatter

As is already occurring in Sierra Leone and Liberia, the continued spread of Ebola is have a major effect on the regional economy. Farmers are too scared to pick their crops, and merchants are too afraid to sell them, not to mention mandatory border closures that prohibit the import and export of food and other goods between countries.

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that, in some of the worst-hit areas of West Africa, up to 40 percent of family farms have been completely abandoned. This has brought the local economy to its knees and created massive food shortages, a dire situation that could eventually culminate in the U.S.

"Once the American people come to believe that it is no longer safe to go in public, our economy will go the way of Liberia's," wrote Hodges, recapping his conversation with Adams. "Truck drivers will not be delivering food and necessary supplies. Chronically ill people will not be able to get needed medicines."

"The net effect is that 'Just in time delivery' practices, the backbone of our consumer economy, will come to a screeching halt. Famine will become commonplace. Looting will commence and it will become so widespread that the authorities will be powerless in the face of the coming civil unrest."

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