Thursday, November 28, 2013

Truth, Lies and ISON

"DagNabbit!  It's coming back!" NASA, You've been at it too long.

First Telescope Confirmation ISON Survived- YOU LIE NASA!11-28-201

I know what I see!

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+wes hassan
yeah we notice that something big was following or is coming up behind ison...

+wes hassan I tend to agree...also..great telescope work by watcher74. Why the heck Nasa is spewing this nonsense of it being gone is baffling. Whats their to hide? 

Does your magnification level confirm nucleus integrity? That's a heckuva shot I just want to be sure I'm seeing what I think I'm seeing.

Good job DSW!

Too cool will do!

I don't trust NASA on this at all.  I was tracking Ison and it was 1.2 million miles from the sun, then all of the sudden the site went down and they stated it broke up.  It was moving around 700,000 mph plus, so they say.  Time will tell, but I put my money on it didn't break up.  Thanks for this image and good work.  Time will tell exactly what has happened, but if it did survive, a lot of people especially NASA is going to have a lot of egg on its face.  Its not like they don't have the technology to see this, but if its still there, what are they hiding?  I trust NASA about as much as I could throw a semi into the sun. 

Very cool, thank you!

NASA LIED BIG TIME!  WHAT is their problem? We are not dumb!

I have watched and scoured all day. Every picture, video image I've found showed that sucker coming around the other side. Yet the news continues to state otherwise via NASA.
The dated and time stamped images of their (NASA/SOO) that are clearly marked for you to see ISON show nothing! Not only is there no comet but the couple minutes in "exposure" the suns surface NEVER MOVES! So what are they hiding behind the sun they don't want us to see? Because that the only question I can come up with considering all the evidence. 

That's too funny. I spent a good portion of this afternoon at NASA's official Ison SDO page and it was a COMPLETE waste of time as I'm sure the official NASA Ison hangout was as well. I got the best images from youtube users and stereo during  the event. Friggin NASA, as smart as they are it has to be some kind of big joke to them, they HAVE to know that we know they are doing stupid things like this.

Theory is, they didn`t want us to be able to estimate it`s size by comparing it to the sun. On the other hand, what was the point of that whole charade. Did they want looking there instead of elsewhere...

See Also:

This is a picture of the moon, a rocket and comet ISON saying hello. Keep an eye out for comet ISON a few days after it reaches Perihelion on Thanksgiving. It is expected to either get really bright or fizzle completely. Virgin Galactic Cartoon for the portfolio.
virgin galactic cartoon

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