Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Mt.Sinabung in RED ALERT - Mt.Etna erupts again-Cayce Prophecy

by Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media       November 25th, 2013
About 12,300 evacuees from eight villages around the mountain were packed Sunday in crowded government camps away from the fiery crater, while more than 6,000 others fled earlier to temporary shelters in 16 safe locations, said National Disaster Mitigation spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho.
Indonesian authorities raised the alert status for one of the country’s most active volcanoes to the highest level Sunday after the mountain repeatedly sent hot clouds of gas down its slope following a series of eruptions in recent days.
Mount Sinabung in North Sumatra province unleashed fresh volcanic ash and gravel as high as 5,000 meters (16,400 feet) and searing gas down its slope up to 2 kilometers (1.2 miles), said a government volcanologist, Surono, who like many Indonesians uses one name.
FULL ARTICLE - http://bit.ly/1iL1ibC

JUST IN: Magnitude-7.0 Earthquake Strikes South Atlantic

The U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude-7.0 earthquake has struck in the South Atlantic, southwest of the disputed Falkland Islands. It says the quake struck at 2:27 a.m. Monday (0627 GMT), about 195 miles (314 miles) southeast of the Falklands’ capital, Stanley, and 545 miles east of Ushuaia, Argentina.
The depth was a shallow 6.2 miles (10 kilometers). The Falklands are a British territory that is claimed by Argentina. The USGS says the quake followed four others that all measured more than 5.0, over a two-hour period leading up to the big quake. It says such quakes are uncommon in the region. Only 15 quakes of more than 5.0 had been measured in the region in the previous 40 years.

Mount Etna, Europe’s tallest volcano, erupted again on November 24th and showered the island of Sicily with sharp volcanic rocks and heavy ash. The force ...

Cayce's Earth Change Update—Mt. Etna erupts again

by: Dr. Greg Little

I have been asked questions by several people about Edgar Cayce's earth changes predictions and current volcanic activity that might match what Cayce said. Certainly the massive earthquakes in the South and Western Pacific match several of the predictions made by Cayce, but most people seem to be interested in what Cayce said about an inundation of California. It is likely that the Cayce readings do refer to a massive tsunami hitting California and he gave a couple things to look for that would occur just prior to this disaster.
In 1932 psychic reading, Edgar Cayce was asked about when the changes in the Earth's activity would become apparent. Cayce replied that ` "When there is the first breaking up of some conditions in the South Sea, [Mt.Sinabung] and those as apparent in the sinking or rising of that that's almost opposite same, or in the Mediterranean, and the [Etna] area, then we may know it has begun. [Reading 311-8; April 9, 1932} 

Interestingly, Cayce related that after Sicily's Etna erupted, there would be approximately 90 days to evacuate the areas mentioned. But Cayce also mentioned other types of activity that would seem to precede the California inundation. 

In a 1936 reading [270-35], Cayce related that an eruption of Vesuvius or Pelee would signal an inundation of California, parts of Utah, and Nevada. The interpretations of this reading made by Cayce followers have varied in meanings from Mt. Pelee in Martinique or possibly even the Kilauea volcano on Hawaii. However, I am at a loss why some writers seemed to think Cayce was referring to Hawaii—except a Hawaii eruption would be more likely to cause a tsunami that would hit California. One thing that those interested in Cayce need to know is that a few of the most vocal of the writers who tout Cayce’s earth changes simply come up with bizarre conclusions related to their own psychological needs. I prefer to simply take looks at what Cayce actually said. 

  • Mount Etna Eruption 2013: Europe's Most Active Volcano Spews ...

    ROME -- ROME (AP) — Mount Etna, Europe's most active volcano, has erupted, sending up a towering plume of ash visible in much of eastern Sicily. Etna's ...

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