Thursday, September 26, 2013

Conjoined Twins Abby and Brittany Graduate from College

Abby and Brittany graduate from college - Part 1

Published on Apr 26, 2013
The famous set of conjoined identical twins graduate from college and begin life in the real world, applying for a job as a schoolteacher.

Part 2 is here:

Broadcast on the BBC April 25th, 2013

See also 

Conjoined Twins Celebrate 16th Birthday

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1 comment:

  1. They certainly deserve a " A " for effort and positive attitude. Even though they know no other life, the fortitude involved in facing simple day to day routine and interpersonal relations must be little short of superhuman.

    Their mannerisms and when they speak in unison give me the impression that they have secrets between them that the rest of humanity will never know . . .
