Sunday, September 15, 2013

LEAKED: Weaponized UFO'S over Syrian War Actions -

Does anyone else notice the strange sounds in this video?  

Are they are added in, and not part of the ambient sounds of the video clips? Hoax?

Published on Aug 27, 2013
8/28/2013 A major leak has come to light, as two images of what appear to be large black UFOs, patrol the skies inside the Syrian war zone.

FSA rebel commanders on the ground in Damascus have confirmed that these large black craft are "hunting down and systematically targeting" innocent locals, using unknown weaponized technology "not of this earth" or anything the fighters have ever seen. 

Sources describe the craft as silent, but that they do give off an odd sounding hum intermittently. Sources of this event are being silenced at all costs by governments of the world, that much we know so far. We will publish updates as we get them. You decide, and check back for developments on this major story.


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