Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Chemtrails, Greatest Crime of All Time,Evidence

Chemtrails / GeoEngineering: the Greatest Crime of All Time…. and Here’s the Evidence

Chem Trail Pic 2
23rd August 2013
Guest Writer for Wake Up World
Photos: John Graf
This article is dedicated to the courageous people around our planet who have spoken out and written about these crimes. In the ultimate sacrifice, some have given their lives to report the TRUTH.
“There’s a war going on covertly; and I want to know how it relates to the spraying.”  ~ Catherine Austin Fitts.

Over the past more than 15 years (depending upon where you live), there has been a secret – and criminal – global program of spraying toxic chemicals overhead. It began in the US, then NATO countries were added; but now this lethal aerosol spraying covers the entire globe. Military, private, and commercial planes are used to dramatically change – geo engineer – our global weather. Without any public discussion or news reports, the US military began a highly toxic and on-going assault on us.

chemtrails pics
The popular term for these aerosols is Chemtrails. It is even the term that the military has used. In an interview last month, Clifford Carnicom (one of the world’s leading researchers on the aerosols) notes in using the word “Chemtrails” versus “Geoengineering” or aerosols, this shows how our perceptions change with the word. “Language is not accidental… and is used to manipulate and control awareness, as well as perception. It serves as a basis of curtailing, basically, serious progress on very real issues.” See:

Full Article:  http://wakeup-world.com/2013/08/23/chemtrails-the-greatest-crime-of-all-time/

Chemtrails / GeoEngineering: the Greatest Crime of All Time.... and Here's the Evidence | Wake Up World:

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