Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Giant Pyramid Near Area 51 Base

Why have they built a gigantic pyramid-like structure  in Area 51? 

Is Area 51 trying to harness mysterious ancient technology?

Is this MORE PROOF of ‘alien technology’ here in America? 

Check it out for yourself: 
Google Earth Coordinates : 37° 5'45.66"N 116° 5'35.77"W

Something strange is certainly going on and for some reason, the government doesn't want us to know about it.

Contributing sources;

Google Photo of  Pyramid

 UFO Sightings 2013|Unidentified Flying Saucers|Aliens Videos|Extra Terrestrial|Space News|UFO 2013

Google Earth Reveal Giant Pyramid Near Area 51 Base - UFO Sightings 2013|Unidentified Flying Saucers|Aliens Videos|Extra Terrestrial|Space News|UFO 2013:

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