Monday, May 27, 2013

The Moon Will Turn Into Blood

Words From the Father--Stephen Hanson 

"The Moon Will Turn Into Blood"

30 And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.
31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come.
Joel 2

(The Spirit of the Lord showed me a scene of the moon's appearance changing.  The Lord himself was holding upvarious templates of the moon.  In His hand would be a moon that was crescent-shaped. Then He would pick upanother example and this time it would be showing half of the moon. Again and again, the moon's shape wouldchange in appearance as He placed into position a new shape. Finally the moon was completely dark and appeared to be blood red.)

"On that day there will be signs in the heavens above.  For the moon and the sun will have changed their appearance.
It will be a day of gross darkness. Watch as the seasons change and time accelerates.  For surely I will show you signs
in the sky and the earth below. 

But you will not be left a warning, my people.  For as I said to my prophet Joel, 'Your young men will prophesy
and your old men will dream dreams.  Upon my maids and men servants, will my Spirit rest.  For as the earth
groans and continues to be in travail, the sea's fury will rise up, and the earth's crust will open up in various places.

For these are the days of miracles and signs.  These are the days of wonders.  These are the days of 'shifts' in the
heavens.   These are the days of alignments of my people.  For certain ministries will be aligned, and in time,
you will see planetary alignments as well. 

Watch as the seasons change.  Watch as unusual weather patterns develop.  For the earth is in a state of flux. 
All of these things point to my soon return.  "

Stephen Hanson 

3280 S. Academy #183
Colo. Springs, CO. 80916

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