Monday, March 18, 2013

Barack Obama To Travel Jerusalem In ‘The Beast’

Interesting name to give an armored vehicle. Guess he wants his triumphal entry to be a rebounding success …
By Yitzhak Benhorin, Ynet News – “WASHINGTON – 

United States President Barack Obama ‘s security team is taking no chances: During the presidential visit in Israel which begins next Wednesday, the president will ride around Jerusalem in The Beast, the aptly named tank-turned-car, a rolling fortress.
Obama’s motorcade will include two such vehicles – each costing $300,000 – driving around between a huge entourage of uniformed and undercover security men.
Though the American people have a historical affinity to seeing their presidents out in the open waving from horse drawn carriages and convertible limousines, these preferences were sadly laid aside following John Kennedy’s assassination in 1963.
The Beast, the latest and the most significant change in presidential security procedures, was revealed at Obama’s first inauguration in 2008, when upon seeing it, the president remarked on its similarity to a Boeing airplane.
The car is sealed and protected from chemical and biological weapons. The windows are bullet-proof, and its doors are an alloy of steel, aluminum, titanium and porcelain – proof against roadside-charges and rocket fire.
In addition, the gas tank is armored; the bumpers are equipped with night-vision sensors, cameras and devices to launch tear-gas.
The tires can still function if punctured, and, better safe than sorry, the trunk is filled with oxygen tanks, emergency blood units and fire-fighting equipment.
But this only covers the president’s car.
On his visit to Israel, Obama will be secured by 5,000 police officers wherever he goes, and joint scenarios with the American Secret Service have been exercised simulating threats varying from an attempted assassination to general disruptions of order.
‘This is a 48 hour visit but the preparations have been going on for more than a month,’ Police Head of Operations Brigadier General Nissim Mor told Ynet.

‘There’s no room for error,’ he added.” Read more.

Flashback: Boiling Point: Violence Mounts In West Bank And Gaza In Lead Up To Obama Visit, ‘Could Spark A Third Intifada’ – “Unrest is growing in the Palestinian territories ahead of President Barack Obama’s first visit to Israel on March 20. Riots and protests have erupted throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip in recent days, prompting some Israeli officials and Middle East observers to warn that Obama’s visit could spark a third intifada. ‘The Palestinians have not said the final word yet, and we expect that there will be attempts to take advantage of the upcoming events, like the visit by Barack Obama, in order to continue the violence,’ Israel public security minister Yitzhak Aharonovich was quoted as saying …”Read more.

Presidential state car (United States)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Presidential state car
ManufacturerGeneral Motors
Model years2009
Predecessor2005 Cadillac DTS Presidential State Car
The Presidential state car is the official state car used by thePresident of the United States. A variety of vehicles have both officially and unofficially been acknowledged as the presidential vehicle. Since the late 1930s, the U.S. government has specially commissioned vehicles for presidential use, often specifying advanced communications equipment, special convenience features, armor plating, and defense countermeasures. American cars are traditionally chosen for the role. The most recent vehicle to be customized as the presidential car is a Chevrolet Kodiak-based, Cadillac-badged limousine often referred to as Cadillac One and occasionally as Limo One (a reference to the U.S. presidential aircraft, Air Force One) or as The Beast.

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