Monday, February 25, 2013

Fulfilling Prophecy, Church Considers Peter the Roman

The Daily Bell
February 15, 2013
Pope Benedict XVI‘s successor: Church shift to developing world could see first black Pope … Two Africans are among the early contenders to succeed Pope Benedict XVI, reflecting the dramatic shift of theRoman Catholic Church to the developing world [including] Cardinal Peter Turkson of Ghana. – UK Telegraph
Dominant Social Theme: There is nothing to priestly prophecies regarding the pope and the Illuminatidoesn’t exist.
Free-Market Analysis: According to various prophecies, the next pope may be the last one and usher in the era of the anti-Christ. That pope is to be known as Peter the Roman.
The main set of prophecies regarding papal succession is the Prophecy of Popes, 112 short predictions in Latin that supposedly explain the history of popes to come, beginning with Pope Celestine II.
Benedictine Arnold de Wyon in 1595 was the author of the Prophecy of Popes but his writing claims that Saint Malachy, a 12th-century Archbishop of Armagh was the actual composer.
The Prophecy is very accurate before 1590 but far less accurate afterward, leading some to decide that the Prophecies were composed and released around that time period.
Nontheless, the Prophecy of Popes has continued to occupy the public mind and the current pope, Benedict XVI, is seen as the second-to-last pope. The list finishes with a pope know only as “Peter the Roman.” His pontificate will usher in the destruction of the city of Rome and the Apocalypse.
For this reason alone, if not for any other, one would assume Church elders would at least try to make sure that the new pope was something other than Peter. No such luck. One of the leading contenders is Cardinal Peter Turkson of Ghana, who would be the Church’s first black pope.
Of course, as we learn from the UK Telegraph “Given the highly secretive nature of the conclave of the College of Cardinals that chooses popes, predicting the decision is an uncertain business.”
But could a “Peter” really be picked? Here’s some more from the article:
… The early bookmaker’s favourite, Cardinal Turkson is currently president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. He is regarded as a very able communicator, and given that Pope Benedict’s age was the key factor in his decision to retire, Cardinal Turkson’s relative young age of 64 could count in his favour.

“My guess is they will probably look for something different,” said Lord Alton, the Liberal life peer. “I am personally impressed by someone like Turkson. There is no tokenism about him. He is a very able man and deeply compassionate regarding pastoral work. It would be a courageous decision but they do sometimes take risks.”
We can see a Peter is being seriously considered. This brings up another issue, which is whether Church officials are actively mimicking papal prophecy on purpose. In other words, certain elements of the Church may WANT to fulfill certain “prophecies” for certain reasons.
The Anti-Christ Identity? Can we know it now?
While we won’t speculate as to how various prophecies came into being, we do think the power elite is not averse to taking advantage of them to help push forward its cause ofglobal governance. We think, for instance, that the powers-that-be want to make Jerusalem an independent holy city with its own laws and power base – just as the City of London is. If mimicking or accommodating Biblical prophecy can help in this quest, then so be it.
We also tend to believe in the possibility of a so-called Black Church. Like any other organization in this day and age, the Catholic Church, a tremendously powerful and wealthy organization, is surely penetrated by those promoting globalism. Again, these individuals are surely not averse to using the fulfillment of prophecy to incite superstition and awe that accommodates its goals and encourages their fulfillment.


Book Description

April 15, 2012

For more than 800 years scholars have pointed to the dark augury having to do with 
"the last Pope." The prophecy, taken from St. Malachy's "Prophecy of the Popes," is 
among a list of verses predicting each of the Roman Catholic popes from Pope 
Celestine II to the final pope, "Peter the Roman," whose reign would end in the 
destruction of Rome. 

First published in 1595, the prophecies were attributed to St. Malachy by a Benedictine
 historian named Arnold de Wyon, who recorded them in his book, Lignum Vitæ.

Tradition holds that Malachy had been called to Rome by Pope Innocent II, and while 
there, he experienced the vision of the future popes, including the last one, which he 
wrote down in a series of cryptic phrases. According to the prophecy, the next pope 
(following Benedict XVI) is to be the final pontiff, Petrus Romanus or Peter the Roman. 
The idea by some Catholics that the next pope on St. Malachy's list heralds the beginning
 of "great apostasy" followed by "great tribulation" sets the stage for the imminent 
unfolding of apocalyptic events, something many non-Catholics would agree with. 
This would give rise to a false prophet, who according to the book of Revelation leads 
the world's religious communities into embracing a political leader known as Antichrist. 

In recent history, several Catholic priests--some deceased now--have been surprisingly 
outspoken on what they have seen as this inevitable danger rising from within the ranks 
of Catholicism as a result of secret satanic "Illuminati-Masonic" influences. These priests
 claim secret knowledge of an multinational power elite and occult hierarchy operating 
behind supranatural and global political machinations. Among this secret society are 
sinister false Catholic infiltrators who understand that, as the Roman Catholic Church 
represents one-sixth of the world's population and over half of all Christians, it is 
indispensable for controlling future global elements in matters of church and state and the 
fulfillment of a diabolical plan they call "Alta Vendita," which is set to assume control of the 
papacy and to help the False Prophet deceive the world's faithful (including Catholics) into 
worshipping Antichrist. As stated by Dr. Michael Lake on the front cover, Catholic and 
evangelical scholars have dreaded this moment for centuries.

Unfortunately, as readers will learn, time for avoiding Peter the Roman just ran out.

Fulfilling Prophecy, Church Considers Peter the Roman as Next Pope

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End Time Pope - St. Malachy Prophecy

Book Description

January 1, 2009
The short; cryptic prophecies of St. Malachy; the Primate of Ireland; made circa 1140 while on a visit at Rome; about each Pope from his time till the End of Time--all based on visions he had at the time. From what we know of recent Popes; these prophecies are accurate; based on interior evidence alone. 

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The Anti-Christ Identity? Can we know it now?

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