Monday, February 25, 2013

Explosions in Syria

Wars, Rumors of Wars..

Syria map

From a correspondent:

Yes, saw this first on Fox Breaking News. Could this be part of the "escalating events" before March 20, 2013? (Blogger Note:  Date of the "Doomsday Alignment")

How many days until Wednesday March 20 2013 ?
Days until Wednesday March 20 2013. Find out how many days until a specified date

Jeremiah 29:11

From Janeen:
From a couple of people that I follow on Twitter for this purpose. tweets from the last hour:

there was a big explosion in south #damascus (30 minutes ago). waiting for information #syria
a car has exploded in al-qaboun neighborhood in #damascus city. fierce clashes are going on in the area #syria
there are clashes in the northern areas of #damascus city. ambulances are moving fast in the city center #syria
many #assad troops are moving around in rukn al-din neighborhood in #damascus city #syria
a mortar missile fell in al-abbasiyyin square (near dawoud pharmacy) in #damascus city #syria
resistance fighters blew up a military checkpoint near tropicana (#damascus - #homs motorway) #syria
another big explosion happened 10 minutes ago, probably near al-abbasiyyin garages in #damascus #syria
there are clashes now near 6th teshrin street & the southern bypass (#damascus) #syria
On the phone with my people in Damascus. Explosions are heard everywhere. Mostly in northern and eastern areas.
Explosions in Abbaseen can be heard all the way from Mazzeh. That shows how loud those are. #Damascus
#assad's tv says a suicide bomber caused a big explosion near al-khumasiyyah company in al-qaboun (#damascus) #syria
Tank headed to Abbasiyeen Square and Fares Khouri St. #Damascus
#Damascus Seems 2 explosions one at entrance of Qaboon against Tropicana checkpoint, named after nearby Tropicana juice factory.
Heavy clashes between FSA and regime forces in Rukneddine following a loud explosion in the neighborhood. || #Damascus #Syria
Huge explosion was reported earlier in Rukn Eddine #Damascus, heard across the city. All windows in the area shattered from its strength.
#Damascus both explosions tonight said to be car bombs.
Explosion said to be a car bomb near abassyeen square #Damascus clashes on going in several other areas sound of artilery shelling heard too.
“Be kinder than necessary, because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.”

Syria conflict: US condemns deadly Aleppo rocket strikes

Peopel search for survivors after a rocket strike on Aleppo. Photo: 19 February 2013Missile attacks on Aleppo have enraged the opposition
The US has condemned recent rocket attacks on Syria's northern city of Aleppo, which opposition activists say killed dozens of people.
'International silence'
In a statement, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said that Washington "condemns in the strongest possible terms the series of rocket attacks against Aleppo".
She accused the government of President Bashar al-Assad of being behind the strikes, saying that the regime "has no legitimacy and remains in power only through brute force".
The attacks - using Scud missiles - targeted rebel-held districts of Syria's second city, the activists said.

Contributing sources:

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