Wednesday, February 06, 2013

COMING CRISIS ALERT: Major quake event possible for Pacific

This was posted by The Coming Crisis before today's 8 Mag. Earthquake

Coming Crisis Alert

Saturday, February 2, 2013

COMING CRISIS ALERT: Major quake event possible for Pacific, warning extends to New Zealand, Australia and Japan -- Feburary 2, 2013

UPDATE: February 5, 2013

8.0 magnitude quake has struck the Solomon islands in the Santa Cruz region. Tsunami alerts have been issued for for American Samoa, Australia, New Zealand and eastern Indonesia. We will be extending this alert for another 48 hours minimum.

We are extending a Pacific wide alert for the next 48 hours. Nearly a dozen 6.x quakes have occurred in the Santa Cruz / Japan area over the last day, prompting concern a major plate movement is on the way.

Of interest is the following geological event, which may or may not have anything to do with this recent peculiar swarm, but is worth investigating nonetheless: Tsunami Fears Over Sea Floor Collapse Near Oz

Swarm view:


1. Keep tabs on global quake information.

2. In the event of a major quake pay attention to tsunami alerts.

3. Should a tsunami alert be issued, do not pack your things, do not stop to think, but head IMMEDIATELY to the highest ground you have access to and wait for further instructions.

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