Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Florida Marine Jon Hammar released from Mexican Jail

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Home for Christmas! The Lord is good and has answered our prayers for this young man to be released.

Former Marine Jon Hammer To Be Released From Mexican Prison

NTEB (Now The End Begins) was one of the first to break this story two weeks ago:
“Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.”Psalm 27:14
MIAMI (CBSMiami) – Twenty-seven-year-old former Marine Jon Hammar of Palmetto Bay will be released Friday from a Mexican prison, according to U.S. Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. Hammar was arrested over the summer in Mexico because he carried an antique shotgun over the border.

He and his family and said it was an honest mistake. “No American should be in a Mexican jail for five months without being able to have his case in front of a judge,” said Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL). Nelson made a direct appeal to the Mexican ambassador to the U.S. “We’re grateful; this is a good Christmas present.” In a recent photo, Hammar was shown in prison chained to a bed causing concern amongst his family.
Hammar’s troubles began in August when he took off with a buddy to Costa Rica to surf and deal with post traumatic stress from the war.
Once across the border, though, he was immediately arrested, placed in a notoriously dangerous prison some say is run by a drug cartel and charged with bringing a firearm into the country – a federal crime.
The rifle, a family heirloom, was actually cleared by U.S. Customs.
“Customs weighed the gun, measured the gun, I think took pictures of the gun and gave him paperwork to fill out and then he took that paperwork across to the Mexican side, declared the gun and was immediately arrested,” said Olivia Hammar.
In a prior statement, a spokesman for the Mexican Embassy stressed that possession of any weapon restricted for the use of the army in Mexico is a federal crime and must automatically be prosecuted.
“All it is, is that the barrel of the rifle was this length or the other length. It was not like he was trying to start a militia,” said Ros-Lehtinen. source – CBS Miami

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Statements From Cong. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen; The Hammar Family
On Jon Hammar’s Release From A Mexican Jail
Said Ros-Lehtinen:
“This is a great day for the Hammar family. I have spoken with the family, and can confirm that Jon has been released from Matamoros prison and is back safely in the United States. These past few months have been an absolute nightmare for Jon and his family, and I am so relieved that this whole ordeal will soon be over. I am overcome with joy knowing that Jon will be spending Christmas with his parents, family and friends.
I want to thank my colleagues in Congress, and the American people, who have shown unwavering support for Jon and his family in their time of need, and who have been so instrumental in making this happen. This could not have been accomplished without their relentless advocacy for Jon. I believe in the power of prayer and I thank all who prayed for Jon's safety and release. 
The family has asked that they be given their privacy and I ask that their wishes be respected.”
Hammar family statement:
Psalm 118: 5-6
Out of my distress I called on the LORD; the LORD answered me and set me free. The LORD is on my side;
I will not fear. What can man do to me?
“The only expression that captures how we feel today is that “our cup runneth over.” Our precious boy will be released at some point today after a judge ruled in favor of our Amparo, a form of constitutional relief found in the Mexican legal system, late last night. While we will not be holding a press conference as we try and provide the gentlest means of re-entry for Jonny and safe travel for him back to Miami, we do want to recognize everyone who has played a role in securing his release. First, as Christians we are praising God, who has held all of us in the palm of His hand throughout this entire ordeal. As horrific as this has been, we know in our hearts that God can redeem this and use it in all of our lives for His good purposes. This Christmas we will celebrate the birth of Christ as never before.
To Congresswoman Ileana Ros- Lehtinen, Senator Bill Nelson, Senator Marco Rubio and Congressman Mike Thompson, as well as their staff, you have worked tirelessly and fearlessly in your efforts to bring Jonny home. We can never repay you. To our friends and family, who have propped us up on every leaning side: God bless you for your love toward us and our boy. And to people throughout this country who have championed our fight for justice, we have never been more proud to be Americans. To the Marines and soldiers who prayed for us and repeatedly offered to physically go and get him out at any cost, this country is what it is today because of your courage and commitment. And finally to the press, you have probably played the most vital role in his release. Thank you for pursuing truth at all costs.
We will spend this holiday bathed in gratitude to all of you. We will not be doing any interviews until after the holidays. We hope your understand and respect our need for privacy at this time.
God Bless and Merry Christmas”
For IMMEDIATE Release – December 20, 2012
Secretary Clinton Confirmed for Committee Hearing on Benghazi, Ros-Lehtinen Says
(WASHINGTON) – U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, released the following statement after confirmation by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s office of her planned appearance before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs before mid-January on the subject of the terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya:
“Secretary Clinton has confirmed that she will testify before our Committee before mid-January on the terrorist attack in Benghazi that resulted in the deaths of four American patriots. In order to get all the answers on the tragic events that befell our consulate at Benghazi and address the measures that must be taken to avoid future tragedies, Secretary Clinton must appear and provide her testimony. 
“I expect Secretary Clinton to go into lengthy detail on the issues of systemic and management failures within the State Department, the failure to respond to repeated security requests by our consulate in Benghazi, and the dismissal of intelligence reports.
“The ARB report is just the first step in providing answers to the American people as senior officials within the State Department and the Administration must be held accountable and answer for these failings. Only after Secretary Clinton’s testimony, can we begin to understand the full scope of what happened and begin to address and implement the changes that must be made in order to avoid future tragedies like Benghazi.”
McClatchy, The Herald’s parent company, first reported on Hammar’s plight Dec. 6, when his family decided to go public with the case. Lawmakers responded quickly. Sen. Bill Nelson, a Florida Democrat, exhorted Mexico to release Hammar. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a Miami Republican and the family’s congresswoman, used her position as chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee to put pressure on U.S. and Mexican authorities.
She lashed out at the Obama administration for what she said was a failure to offer details on efforts to free Hammar and persuaded scores of her congressional colleagues to sign letters to the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security on Hammar’s behalf.
Ros-Lehtinen took to Twitter on Friday morning to publicize Hammar’s imminent release after his mother called the congresswoman’s Washington office.
“We couldn’t believe it, but prayers and hard work really paid off,” Ros-Lehtinen said. “It looks like we will have him home for Christmas.”
Ros-Lehtinen, who held a press conference at her Miami office last week with several dozen of Hammar’s family and friends, praised the community for rallying to publicize his case. An online petition to free Hammar, created by his younger sister, Katie, had more than 26,000 signatures as of Friday morning. Earlier this week, Miami-Dade commissioners approved a resolution, sponsored by Commissioner Jose “Pepe” Diaz, calling for Hammar’s release.
The congresswoman also applauded the outgoing Mexican ambassador, who was on vacation — and on his last week on the job before a new president takes over — while dealing with the Hammar case.
“I said, ‘What a good way to end your tenure and a good way to start with a new Mexican administration,’” Ros-Lehtinen said.

Posted on Fri, Dec. 21, 2012

Florida marine veteran Jon Hammar to be released from Mexican jail

By Patricia Mazzei
Jon Hammar, the Marine veteran from South Florida detained for months in a Mexican border prison for bringing his great-grandfather’s shotgun into the country, is expected to be released Friday in what his mother calls a “Christmas miracle.’’
His mother, Olivia, said she and her husband were awoken with a 2:30 a.m. phone call from Hammar’s defense attorney sharing the good news. Hammar’s father, Jon, quickly found a flight to Texas.
“We made it from our house in Palmetto Bay to the airport in 11 minutes,” she told The Miami Herald. “This is our Christmas miracle.”
The elder Hammar will wait for his son, who has been held since August in a prison in Matamoros, Mexico, across the border in Brownsville, Texas. They will likely remain there for a few days, Olivia Hammar said, because her son is interested in getting back the 1972 Winnebago motor home — and some nine surfboards he was transporting — from Mexican authorities.
“It will be closure for him,” she said.
Hammar was arrested Aug. 13 when he and a fellow Marine veteran, who were headed to Costa Rica to surf ,tried to cross into Mexico. Hammar had been told by U.S. authorities he could declare a six-decades-old .410 bore Sears & Roebuck shotgun at the border. The firearm is suitable for shooting rabbits and birds.
But Mexican authorities dismissed Hammar’s U.S. registration papers for the disassembled relic. Prosecutors charged him with a serious crime: possession of a weapon restricted for use to Mexico’s armed forces.
Hammar was sent to the Matamoros prison, where, at one point, inmates affiliated with local drug cartels called Hammar’s parents to try to extort money from them.
U.S. officials intervened, and Hammar was separated from the general inmate population but still spent much of his time chained to a bed to keep him from fleeing.
McClatchy, The Herald’s parent company, first reported on Hammar’s plight Dec. 6, when his family decided to go public with the case. Lawmakers responded quickly. Sen. Bill Nelson, a Florida Democrat, exhorted Mexico to release Hammar. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a Miami Republican and the family’s congresswoman, used her position as chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee to put pressure on U.S. and Mexican authorities.
She lashed out at the Obama administration for what she said was a failure to offer details on efforts to free Hammar and persuaded scores of her congressional colleagues to sign letters to the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security on Hammar’s behalf.
Ros-Lehtinen took to Twitter on Friday morning to publicize Hammar’s imminent release after his mother called the congresswoman’s Washington office.
“We couldn’t believe it, but prayers and hard work really paid off,” Ros-Lehtinen said. “It looks like we will have him home for Christmas.”
Nelson, whose office also spoke to Hammar’s mother, said an aide to a legal representative of the Mexican attorney general’s office confirmed the pending release. The U.S. Consulate is standing by to escort Hammar back to the United States.
“No American should be in a Mexican jail for five months without being able to have his case in front of a judge,” Nelson said. “We’re grateful; this is a good Christmas present.”
Ros-Lehtinen, who held a press conference at her Miami office last week with several dozen of Hammar’s family and friends, praised the community for rallying to publicize his case. An online petition to free Hammar, created by his younger sister, Katie, had more than 26,000 signatures as of Friday morning. Earlier this week, Miami-Dade commissioners approved a resolution, sponsored by Commissioner Jose “Pepe” Diaz, calling for Hammar’s release.
The congresswoman also applauded the outgoing Mexican ambassador, who was on vacation — and on his last week on the job before a new president takes over — while dealing with the Hammar case.
“I said, ‘What a good way to end your tenure and a good way to start with a new Mexican administration,’” Ros-Lehtinen said.
Hammar, 27, joined the Marines after the September 11 terrorist attacks. He was deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq before receiving an honorable discharge in 2007 and later serving another four years on inactive reserve.
Upon his return, Hammar, a former lance corporal, was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. He checked into a treatment center for veterans in California and planned the surfing trip to Costa Rica as a way to find peace, his family said. A lifetime surfer, he traveled with some custom-made boards, including one engraved with the name of a childhood friend who died in a motorcycle accident, according to his mother.
Olivia Hammar said her son had spent the last few days sick with a stomach bug.
“We’re worried about his reentry process,” she said. “I don’t even know that I’ve been able to process it yet... You don’t realize what a physical toll fear takes on you until you have it continually, for months at a time.”

© 2012 Miami Herald Media Company. All Rights Reserved.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/12/21/v-print/3152056/us-marine-held-in-mexico-being.html#storylink=cpy
Pleas for more money come as Congress and the administration face broad spending cuts next year, whether or not a resolution is reached soon in the continuing fiscal impasse.
At a second hearing on Thursday afternoon, Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida, the chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, scoffed at the calls for additional spending, saying that poor decisions rather than a lack of money were the problem in Benghazi.
“If the State Department intends to blame its long string of failures on inadequate funding, then perhaps it should take a closer look at the money that is being lavished on global climate change, culinary diplomacy programs and other favored projects,” she said. “This money could have been used for providing diplomatic security, including hiring additional personnel and providing them with adequate equipment and training.”

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