Sunday, December 09, 2012

Situation in Syria is 'accelerating'

Wars and Rumors of Wars
'Zero hour': Syrian rebels prepare to mount Damascus attack
Syrian rebels are preparing to mount their ‘Zero Hour’ campaign to take Damascus, with fears the capital is facing total destruction in the coming months.

Clinton: Situation in Syria is 'accelerating'
President Bashar al-Assad's government may be preparing to use chemical weapons.

UN To Pull Non-Essential Staff From Syria

Syrian Rebels: “When We Finish With Assad, We Will Fight the U.S.”
Militants supported by Obama administration killed U.S. troops in Iraq

Threat of chemical warfare in Syria means it's time for US, NATO no-fly zone
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A Free Syrian Army fighter aims his weapon during clashes with Bashar al-Assad's forces in Aleppo, Syria, Dec. 2. President Obama has warned the Assad regime against chemical warfare in the conflict. Op-ed contributor Daniel Seckman says it is 'unlikely that Iran will attempt to militarily oppose a no-fly zone by the US or NATO' but that the 'US and NATO allies will be drawn into a further conflict there, now or in the future, should they supply arms to groups that are only fractionally aligned.'
Narciso Contreras/AP


NATO will deploy Patriot missiles on Turkey's border with Syria,0,1223392.story

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