Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Shocking Video Of Methane Gas Bubbling Near Sinkhole~

In Bayou Corne, Louisana

Hats off to Rainbeaudais -
Published on Dec 11, 2012
First, I apologize for the camera shake.I was in a boat, very nervous, and trying to hurry....

The water level was low as is normal for this time of year, and muddy from a recent heavy rain.

This was my first sight of these methane gas under pressure bubbling sites down the bayou approx 1/2 mile from the homes on the south side of Hwy 70. Nothing I have seen on the news, or on the APPJ flicker photo site prepared me for what I saw going on. I was shocked, and so very heavy hearted after seeing what I saw. It was very chilling, knowing of all the gas under us, but also knowing of the massive (unknown location) voids in the earth.

There was a direct path of water coming from the sinkhole and draining in to the bayou at the pipeline row, and several others, none contained. Texas Brine and the other agencies seem to think that little boom they have at the sinkhole is enough. I disagree. The booms do not stop the saltwater. We saw only one small alligator in about 30 minutes, and lots of dead fish.

If there are this many bubbling sites in the water where they are easily seen, we can only dare to imagine how many are on land, and in the swamps between the sinkhole and the homes west of the sinkhole....that we don't know of.

Some comments on Rainbeaudais' YouTubeVideo:
  • thanks so much for doing this. i cried watching dont know how anything could live in those waters. if i lived there i would be the one doing that and posting it. i would be very scared too.
    if you can please leave and sad i have watched everything and feel it is not going to be safe there anymore. we the people are the media. thank you , love ..peace
  • kcsunnyone
    Matt Simmons was murdered for warning Gulf residents that this was going to occur as a direct result of BP's actions. Millions may die in as short as twenty minutes because these chemicals and gasses will displace oxygen, and folks will just start dropping dead. NO ONE SHOULD BE THERE WITHOUT A GAS MASK AND RESPIRATOR ON!!!
  • mpfeiffer056
    This is so sad, I hope you kept your distance though! :-(
  • butterfly674403
    Is this man made? Is there anything they can do to fix it? Where is the government ?
  • artsyfartsywoman
    Thank you so much fro sharing this with the world! I shared this on my channel, nothing was changed as I wouldnt have it any other way. All credit was given to you and your amazing efforts to disclose the truth about this disaster situation. I live next door on the Mississippi gulf coast and have a son in law that works in Gonzales LA. It blows me away how unaware folks are of this sinkhole even in my area. Its my belief this is affecting us all here on the coast. God bless you and keep you safe

  • You know Rain? This is scarey. It really is. As of the date of up-load, what are the "authorities" doing about this seemingly very dangerous place you call home. What are the chances of a major catastrophy happening and approx. date. and are you and yours prepared. I would be very concerned. (not to add to your worry, sorry).
  • ichicax4
    Thank you Ill post the show in an hour or so...feel free to share as well. Please be careful if you do this again :( Im so sorry what everyone must be going thru down there
    ·in reply to rainbeaudais(Show the comment)
  • Alice Nash
    amazing, thank you for sharing the truth... May God bless & keep you safe 
  • rainbeaudais
    southgent22.....forgot to say, I love it out that way, and if I have to leave here for good, will most likely end up in that area, as long as I can be on the water!
    ·in reply to southgent22(Show the comment)
  • rainbeaudais
    Go for it RadChick! Hugs back.....:-)
    ·in reply to ichicax4(Show the comment)
  • TheGrowingAwareness
    anyway, great footage, and ty again for getting the footage that the state or perish will not get for the people. Just be carefull out there ... the air cannot possibly be good for you rhealth with methane (and who knows what other gas) comming up all around you.

Louisiana oil and gas chief resigns

Scott Angelle, who headed the agency that regulates oil and gas in Louisiana, says he has left his job to run for office as the department struggles to understand and mitigate a giant sinkhole threatening to wreak havoc on oil infrastructure in south Louisiana.


New flyover of giant Louisiana sinkhole shows changing appearance

Well .. Looks Like We're Not Supposed To See What's Going On .. Video Pulled ..:) And .. That makes things even more curious. But, I did find a site here with updates .. *Click here

LA Sink Hole (LA09) EQ Update

Published on Dec 8, 2012

  • Have a great day and thanks for bringing this important information to us. I must tell you how badly the America News Media has let us all down by not covering this as valid and timely news. All the time you have spent on this shows how much you care for your fellow citizens. Main Stream news outlets, not so much. Much love and respect to you.
  • dvmcgovern
    OMG! I leave for 2 days and damn YT changes the layout again! What is wrong with these people...other than a new type of censorship. Thanks Oicker. Daph

All Comments (16)

  • Uncleslippyfist1
    How does your data hold up against the other sink holes such as the latest one in Ohio? And to the rest of y'all these effects would happen when the sun is pulling on this side of the earth kinda like the moon pulls the ocean. Not to mention rising surface temp. So it's not business hours. The gov works 24/7 anyway.
  • Kathy Reed
    Is anyone else suspicious as to why there is more seismic activity during daylight hours than during the night? I wonder if there is some human activity going on during the day (regular working hours) that may be adding to the seismic activity. Something like drilling test wells, etc.
  • InViewofForever
    What you can deduce from this video, and the readings therein, is that these tremors are happening during BUSINESS HOURS. There is no way this pattern of movement could be natural.
    You will discover, if you look back through the records, that this has been the pattern for quite a while.
    So who is doing this during BUSINESS HOURS? Did they think we would not notice such an obvious pattern?
  • Jzs20
    vocal fry
  • wa6smn
    Does the day/night pattern persist weekends? Just wondering if it corresponds to work schedules of staff at fracking sites.
  • you4080
    Dutchsense added you as a favorite, but where are Dutchsense's videos on youtibe?
  • gottatufa
    I am thinking that the daytime activity might be from nearby fracking operations.
  • chuggkole
    judging by the movement iI seen on LISS lastnite. I would say that this needs to be watched very carefully in coming days.
  • bama0917
    Are some of these happening during working hours? Just a thought.


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