Sunday, December 09, 2012

Mystery Booms Heard Across the U.S. Within 24 Hours


Posted by Howard on December 6, 2012 at 8:30pm

Endtime News with Prophecy in Mind

Beginning near midnight on December 4th, unexplained booms and trembling ground was reported in 5 states across the U.S. within a 24-hour span and is still occurring in Georgia.  Extending from Arizona to Rhode Island, this unprecedented and nearly simultaneous series of mystery booms vividly depicts the diagonal stress being asserted across North America.
“Plate movements and spreading Atlantic have positioned the N American continent for what we have long described. A diagonal tear in the New Madrid, a bowing of the continent around San Diego so that Mexico is too far West, an adjustment up the West Coast to relieve the bow. Meanwhile, the entire continent has stress of some kind as this process has already begun but has not manifested in large adjustments, quakes, as yet.
It soon will!” 
Georgia  (Dec 4th, 5th and 6th)
Columbia County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) director Pam Tucker tells WJBF News Channel 6 there have been several loud booms reported in the county over the last couple of days.
On Tuesday, Tucker tells us there was a distant loud boom reported in the the Pinebrook area off of Hereford Farm Road between 9:00 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.
On Wednesday, at 9:07 p.m., a county resident heard a loud rumble and he says his driveway is now lifted up with cracks in in and the road and sidewalks near his home are now cracked.
Then, Thursday morning at 5:00 a.m., a man and his neighbor both heard a loud boom on the 200 block of Louisville Road.
Tucker tells us officials are looking for the cause of the booms and rumbling. Source
Arizona (Dec 4) -
Jean Swesey was doing homework with her son in Cottonwood when it happened.
“It was a whole series of booms,” Swesey said. “Up to six or seven. It was fast, it went loud. We were quiet and then my daughter down the hall screams really loud, ‘Did you hear that?’ I sat there for a second and I heard another set.”
Swesey wasn’t alone. Residents in communities in and around Verde Valley and as far as Flagstaff called 911 or their police and fire departments to report the strange booming sounds.
“It sounded like thunder, but underground,” Swesey said. “Like muffled thunder. And all the dogs in the neighborhood, all of them that were outside all started barking at once.”
CBS 5 News first received reports of the explosion-like noises shortly after 5 p.m. Tuesday and began checking with law enforcement and government sources. The U.S. Geological Survey reports no significant earthquake activity in Arizona that could have created the booms.
The Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office had deputies in the area who either heard it or tried to respond to resident calls. They found nothing.
The Sedona Fire District dispatched a crew to check a report of a strange odor, but that was unfounded and may not be related to the sounds.
The Camp Verde Marshal also received a number of phone calls about the booms. Officers found no evidence of any explosions.
But the Verde Valley contains large expanses of uninhabited land. “Maybe when the light comes back they’ll find something,” said Gary Johnson of Sedona Fire.
Swesey sure hopes so. “It was just, ‘boom-boom-boom-boom-boom all over the Verde Valley.”
Texas (Dec 4)
“We started getting calls at 3:09 p.m. (Tuesday),” said Eric Meyers, Navarro County Emergency Coordinator. “The first calls were north of Corsicana in the Hickory Hollow area with two separate residents out there reporting unusual tremors being felt along with a rumbling type of noise.”
“About two hours later, approximately five o’clock, there were additional reports in the same area of heavier tremors, the same vicinity, the same residents,” Meyers said. Another report came from the western part of the county, near Navarro Mills.
After the second round of reports, Meyers posted it on Facebook and suddenly there were more reports, but coming from all over, including Streetman, Purdon, Pursley and Dawson. Some of the reports came from as far away as Freestone and Limestone counties. The line runs about 50 to 60 miles long, and the tremors didn’t act like any other thing except perhaps earthquake booms, which are shallow sometimes undetectable tremors similar to what’s been happening locally.
“This is an unexplained event likely of a natural origin,” Meyers said. “We can’t come up with a point of origin or a cause or explanation of why this is happening.”
“We were trying to determine what was going on, any type of military exercises at a higher level than locally, we worked on this throughout the night and we eliminated everything we could think of and continued to do some through today,” Meyers said.
“We went through the process of elimination on what it could be and ruled out all these different things,” he said. “Whatever it was hasn’t occurred since 4 a.m. Wednesday. It’s unusual, to say the least.”
Alabama (Dec 4) -
At approximately midnight around Gentilly Mobile Home Park, a mysterious loud bang was heard.
Phone calls to The Plainsman office suggested that the bang was heard over a far larger radius than Gentilly Park.
Residents around the area do not seem to believe the sound was a gunshot or fireworks, as the sound was described as far too loud.
Capt. Tom Stofer of the Auburn Police Department said the department received a call about the noise, but after sending officers out to the area could not find a source or evidence of damage.
“We were really never able to indicate where the sound came from,” Stofer said. “As far as we know, nothing was reported afterward as being damaged.”
Stofer could not offer any possibilities of what caused the sound.
“The source of the noise or sound is really unknown at this time,” Stofer said.
More information will be released as it becomes available.
Rhode Island (Dec 4)
Just before midnight on Monday, reports of a loud boom flooded police stations and social media sites alike.
Sources from the Warwick Police Department said they received nearly 100 phone calls reporting a loud noise that some thought was an explosion. Some residents called to say it shook their homes.
On the other side of Narragansett Bay in Barrington, residents also reported the noise, and a few said a flash of light accompanied it.
The calls prompted an initial police and fire search of the areas, and then marine crews took to the waters between Conimicut and Bullocks Point to search for the source of the sound. Senior Chief Jamey Kinney, from the southeast sector of the Unite States Coast Guard, said one of their boats from Castle Hill joined four other local boats to comb Narragansett.
Initially, the Coast Guard made calls to T.F. Green to see if they had any missing planes, but the FAA confirmed all was status quo. They also reached out to National Grid to see if any transformers had exploded, but they, too, confirmed all was well. The Coast Guard then tossed around the idea that the noise could have been a vessel in distress, but Kinney said their foray into the waters was more as a precautionary measure.

The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond

Mysterious bright lights and sonic booms reported over Texas skies

by The Extinction Protocol
December 7, 2012 - DALLAS - From McKinney to the White Rock Lake area and all the way south to Houston, a bright flash reported in the sky Friday morning captured the attention of many across the Lone Star State. While early reports indicated it was likely a meteor, the National Weather Service in Houston reported Friday afternoon that it may have been debris from the Russian Satellite Cosmos 2251 as it reentered the atmosphere. In 2009, the Cosmos 2251 satellite, which was not in working condition at the time, collided with Iridium 33, a United States communication satellite, in 2009 as they orbited Earth over Siberia. Meanwhile, Bill Cooke, who heads the Meteoroid Environment Office for NASA, told KRLD that the object was actually a meteor, and was likely the size of a basketball. As researchers continue to investigate the source of the flash, reports of sightings continue to grow across Texas. One McKinney woman reported seeing what appeared to be a comet streaking across the sky in a bright flash around 6:42 a.m. near Stonebridge Shopping Center. 
Justin Wagoner, who lives in the White Rock Lake area, said he saw a green trail and heard a large ‘sonic boom” around the same time. Others reported seeing white and orange colors. The sight only lasted a few seconds before vanishing in the sky. According to Dr. James Roberts, a University of North Texas astronomer who talked to WBAP early Friday morning,  the mysterious object in the sky was likely a burned up meteor. A KHOU meteorologist in Houston said it may have been part of the Geminids meteor shower, which takes place in December. The meteorites often appear to be slow moving and are usually best seen at its peak on December 13 and 14. However, Mike Hankey, the operations manager with the American Meteor Society, said later in the morning he believed the meteor was likely a fireball, a meteor brighter than Venus, and not a part of the Geminid shower. “For those not familiar with meteors and fireballs, a fireball is a meteor that is larger than normal,” read a report on the American Meteor Society's online site. “Most meteors are only the size of small pebbles. A meteor the size of a softball can produce light equivalent to the full moon for a short instant. The reason for this is the extreme velocity at which these objects strike the atmosphere.” Seeing a fireball is something not everyone gets a chance to do in their lifetime, according to Hankey. “While fireballs are actually pretty common across the globe, they happen every night, to actually see one in your area is very rare,” he said. “If you see one once in your life, you are very lucky.” The loud boom heard by some could be explained by what happens when a large fireball breaks apart, Hankey went on to explain. –WFAA

Patch News California.. Dec 4thI live in NW Altadena near Lincoln & Loma Alta Dr & on last evening, Tuesday – Dec 4, 2012, I kept hearing ‘loud boom’ sounds every 10-15 minutes.

Another said in a comment..
My family heard the loud boom’s throughout the night also. It sounded like small sonic booms that rattled the windows. They continued throughout the night till around 2:00 a.m. Would love to know what the noises were, they were a bit startling. [link to]

KTEN News Texoma (Texas & Oklahoma).. Dec 5thKTEN has had hundreds of reports of loud explosions and the ground shaking in seven counties from north Texas to southern Oklahoma. People tell us, they felt shaking and heard a loud boom just after eight this morning. [link to]

WPRI News Rhode Island.. Dec 4th 
Reports of the phantom boom kept crews busy in both Barrington and Warwick after residents reported hearing the strange disruption around 11:30 p.m.
“It shook the windows and made my neighbors alert too. The only way to describe it was like a single loud ‘boom’ noise that sounded somewhat like an explosion,” [link to]

16 Responses to Mysterious booms being reported in multiple locations across U.S

  1. Wow… I used to live in the Verde Valley…Cottonwood, AZ. That’s some scary stuff. I find it hard to believe however that No body knew what it was!
  2. Amber says:
    I Live in Colorado, I also called the police to report such booms. I was alone and very scared! It sounded like explosions and that is what I reported…. I dont believe in the end times. We aren’t all gonna die, this is us moving into a new age, not the end of us…the Earth is showing us the damamge we are causing, she is begging us to mend her. It is time we stood up for her.
    • Anonymous says:
      Our Lord God has a wrath, this is just the beginning of the ‘birth pangs’, so blessed I have faith in my Creator and have the security in knowing He is coming back for His true and fatihful servants !!!

      • Amen to that “Anonymous” Yeshua (Christ) is coming back very soon. There is spiritual warfare in diverse places happening right now that the eyes cannot see…
        Even If I was an unbeliever and didn’t believe in these things, I would want to be smart enough to ask myself ‘what if’… I would even ask the God that created the universe and life if He is real and there, and if He created me… It’s not going to hurt to ask Him to to show me the truth and save me.
        To also help me believe that His Son Christ came to die for my sins. He promises that He would accept us with open arms when we truly repent and ask Him to rescue us from our sins… and I would do so before it’s too late. There is more to lose by not seeking Him. it’s like someone tell you there is a gold mine at a specific place but you have to drop every bad thing you’re doing and ask the owner to show you the entrance but you refused….
      • O.K. says:
        its the govt. not God lol …
  3. HR says:
    watch jesse venturas conspiracy theory the Ozarks….it makes perfect sense. These booms are from the government working feverishly underground to finish building their underground bunkers. This is where they think they will hide while WW3 is going. Little do they know that there is nowhere you can hide from God Almighty…..
  4. gumpy says:
    We’ve had the same odd booms here in Wisconsin too. NO idea what they were!
  5. Amen to that “Anonymous” Yeshua (Christ) is coming back very soon. There is spiritual warfare in diverse places happening right now that the eyes cannot see…
    Even If I was an unbeliever and didn’t believe in these things, I would want to be smart enough to ask myself ‘what if’… I would even ask the God that created the universe and life if He is real and there, and if He created me… It’s not going to hurt to ask Him to to show me the truth and save me.
    To also help me believe that His Son Christ came to die for my sins. He promises that He would accept us with open arms when we truly repent and ask Him to rescue us from our sins… and I would do so before it’s too late. There is more to lose by not seeking Him. it’s like someone tell you there is a gold mine at a specific place but you have to drop every bad thing you’re doing and ask the owner to show you the entrance but you refused….
  6. Julie Hayes says:
    Our dogs howl when the booms are heard here in Rogers, Texas. (the booms sound like distant thunder).
  7. DP says:
    I live in a neighborhood called Millers Island in Maryland. It’s a small community located on a peninsula surrounded by water. Since I moved here in 2003 I have always heard these loud booms that shook my whole house and thought it was the steel plant which use to be known as Bethlehem Steel for years. It has changed names a number of times over the past few (last known as RG Steel) years until recently being shut down and sold to China which led to thousands losing their jobs… my husband being one of them. I asked my husband what was going on down there and he said nothing.
    Come to find out the loud booms which causes the shaking of our house is coming from Aberdeen Proving Ground which is a United States Army facility located in Aberdeen, Maryland, (in Harford County) located across the bay from our water surrounded community. It wasn’t every day but only a few times a month. Now over the past month or so it has been everyday non-stop! It’s been getting louder and the shaking of our house is getting worse. At the end of our street is where we drop our boat in the water and directly across from there are 2 Islands… Heart Millers Island and next to that is Pooles Island both located in the Chesapeake Bay. Come to find out Aberdeen Proving Ground runs their drills shooting out into the Chesapeake Bay aiming at Pooles Island and that is where the loud booms are coming from which is causing our house to shake. Sometimes they over shoot the Island and get very close to hitting our peninsula and caused some damage to a bar that use to be located down there on the water.
    It’s become so bad that this past week my husband heard and felt it for the first time and he jumped and asked me what that was. I started laughing and just said I told you about this a long time ago and explained it again to him. Usually he was at work when it was going on because it was only during the day but now it goes through the night. My thoughts are that the reason it has become so bad over the past month or 2 is because they are preparing for something. Why else would these drills become so much more frequent, louder, along with our house shaking much worse than ever before? We’ll be lying in bed and everything just shakes like we’re having an earthquake. There has been a lot of gun shots also that we have been hearing and these marsh lands and woods are protected in our community so no hunting is allowed even though I’m sure there are some idiots out there who still do it but I have never heard anything to this magnitude until now. Something is going on and I think the military is gearing up for something that they are not telling the public about. This is the only explanation I can come up with. In the 9 years we have lived here it has never been this bad so what is going on now that caused the rise in these drills? There has to be a reason for this. The one thing that sticks in my mind is the war of 1812 which was fought down in our area and the house and the dungeons that still stand to this day that was used during that war.
  8. Oklahoma says:
    I was woken up a couple days ago and heard these same booms and it was nearly always in pairs coming from the south. The day before it was coming from the west, in the ground. I used to live by a rock quarry and know very well the sound of blasting, but there is no blasting going on around here because I called around. This is crazy, I thought I was the only one hearing them.
  9. Julie Hayes says:
    Amazing how many people do not believe in the end times that are subscribing to End Times Headlines!!! If they do not believe, why are they keeping up with the end times events?
  10. eno says:
    Okayyyyyyy…”2012″ the movie comes to mind..really scarey!

Just before 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec 4, 2012, a loud boom was followed by a second blast that shook windows from Cornville to Jerome and Camp Verde, Arizona, rocking Verde Valley for a distance of plus or minus 22 miles. It was just boom-boom-boom-boom-boom all over the Verde Valley.

These so-called mysterious booms are related to plate stress and adjustments and represent a wakeup call for the world.CBS 5 News first received reports of the explosion-like noises shortly after 5 p.m. and began checking with law enforcement and government sources. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) reported no significant earthquake activity in Arizona that could have created the booms. No surprise there.The Yavapai County Sheriff's Office had deputies in the area who either heard it or tried to respond to resident calls about it. They found nothing.

Per Nancy Lieder and ZetaTalk, the sounds are caused by the earth heaving, dropping, and clapping. Lieder writes:Increasingly as the pole shift nears, the Earth will give evidence of the compression and tension in her surface by what humans will perceive to be sonic booms. The mechanism is in fact the same, clapping air masses, the same mechanism that produces thunder.
 According to Lieder (who by the way started writing about this stuff in the 1990s), for every compression adjustment of the earth in one place, in some other place an earth rift widens. A widening rift does not jolt the bordering plates as earthquakes do; the adjustment is silent. These so-called mysterious booms can be caused by one of several phenomena:Adjustments that ripple through the land causing a boom when dropping or heaving ground makes the air above it clap as it rushes in to fill a void.Stretch zones booms as land sinks because the rock supporting it pulls apart creating a void - boom . . the air above it claps. This can happen over water as well as land. Snapping rock booms as earth heaves causing poorly supported rock strata to snap . . and boom.

Meanwhile back in Cottonwood, Jean Swesey, who was doing homework with her son when she heard the booms says, "It was a whole series of booms, up to six or seven. It was fast, it went loud. We were quiet and then my daughter down the hall screams really loud, `Did you hear that?' I sat there for a second and I heard another set.""It sounded like thunder, but underground," Swesey said. "Like muffled thunder. And all the dogs in the neighborhood, all of them that were outside all started barking at once."It seems that Swesey wasn't alone. Residents in communities in and around Verde Valley and as far away as Flagstaff called 911 or the police or fire department to report the strange booming sounds. The Camp Verde Marshal also received a number of phone calls about the booms, but officers found no evidence of any explosions. 

The Sedona Fire District even dispatched a crew to check a report of a "strange odor," which may or may not be related to the sounds.Camp Verde resident John Stephens says, "There was a boom and I thought, thunder. But as I was looking around for clouds I heard a second one that sounded like it came from Mingus Mountain. Then I went to see if the spring on my garage door opener had broken."Kristi Gagnon, fire marshal for the Camp Verde Fire District, said she and fire Chief Clayton Young were in the administrative offices when they heard the noises. Their curiosity eventually drove them outside the building, believing something had hit the roof, but found nothing there. Having grown up in California, Gagnon thought it was an earthquake. 

"It had that similar sound but nothing was shaking and the ground wasn't moving. It was interesting for sure," said Gagnon, who did get a report from a resident living near the Camp Verde Library saying the noise actually shook stuff off the shelf.Darby Martin with the Camp Verde Marshal's Office said she received a call from her son who was working for a drilling company, core drilling at the Bagdad copper mine, who reported hearing a similar noise two hours earlier. "He said that around 3 p.m. his crew heard two loud booms. They thought there was an earthquake at the mine," she said.

Chief Joe Moore with the Clarkdale Fire District heard it, too, and reported that it sounded just like dynamite.Whatever it was, it did not appear to be an isolated event. It was just boom-boom-boom-boom-boom all over Verde Valley.Let's see, is Arizona a stretch zone? Let the truth be told. If the continental United States is being pulled diagonally from the San Diego area to up around the New England states, then it most probably is in a stretch zone.

Thu Dec 6, 2012 9:12 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"Cornplanter" thecornplanter

Texas has been the scene of several tremors in the 3 to 4 range on the richter scale, recently, which are attributed in the local newspapers/TV by geologists to be caused by the process of fracking of natural gas wells in the area. By "fracking", they mean injecting a toxic brew of water and chemicals down into old wells under high pressure intended to open cracks for more gas to seep into the wells. (Some of the liquid has actually seeped out of wells in one Dallas suburb.

The Dallas-Ft Worth Metroplex is riddled with gas wells and piplines in all directions. Looking at maps of pipelines in Texas, one sees a huge complex of lines in all directions in a 40 mile radius of Dallas-Ft Worth. Then there appears to be a 10 mile "buffer zone" of land with no pipelines, and then another pipeline gridlock area encompassing Corsicana (mentioned in the article below) which is around 60 miles SSE of Dallas.

One reason I had second thoughts about moving into the Corsicana area this summer is the natural gas industry and the fracking. With newspapers reporting quakes and fracking chemical leaks, and seeing pipelines being put in everywhere through people's farms and homesteads throughout the area, oblivious to the land owners, and gas wells going in everywhere... and the history in other areas of ground-water contamination... I did not feel it was the right place for me to live long and prosper.

I would suspect the tremors are due to the gas well industry. The whole area of N Texas and beyond is being "bled" of underground gas, and then being saturated with "fracking" chemicals. ("Fracking" is oil talk for "fracturing" the rock structure to get more oil or gas out.) If you start hearing groans or feeling quakes in such a zone, consider that ground shifts and tremors can create noises.


--- In, Barbara Lupien

Interesting coincidence that these tremors started Tuesday afternoon ?? Wonder IF there might be any correlation to the happenings in Verde Valley Tuesday afternoon??

Mystery tremors in north Texas leaves experts puzzledPosted on December 6, 2012by The Extinction Protocol December 6, 2012 – CORSICANA, TEXAS —

Reports of earthquake-like tremors starting Tuesday afternoon and continuing until early Wednesday can't be confirmed as true earthquakes, but experts can't say what it is, either. "We started getting calls at 3:09 p.m. (Tuesday)," said Eric Meyers, Navarro County Emergency Coordinator. "The first calls were north of Corsicana in the Hickory Hollow area with two separate residents out there reporting unusual tremors being felt along with a rumbling type of noise." After checking with the U.S. Geological Survey website, Meyers also checked with the National Weather Service and state emergency management offices. 
"About two hours later, approximately five o'clock, there were additional reports in the same area of heavier tremors, the same vicinity, the same residents," Meyers said. 
Another report came from the western part of the county, near Navarro Mills. After the second round of reports, Meyers posted it on Facebook and suddenly there were more reports, but coming from all over, including Streetman, Purdon, Pursley and Dawson. 
Some of the reports came from as far away as Freestone and Limestone counties. The line runs about 50 to 60 miles long, and the tremors didn't act like any other thing except perhaps earthquake booms, which are shallow sometimes undetectable tremors similar to what's been happening locally. 
The range and the description of houses "popping" and shaking didn't seem to fit anything, including the disturbances reported around fracking drill-sites. "This is an unexplained event likely of a natural origin," Meyers said. "We can't come up with a point of origin or a cause or explanation of why this is happening." 
Still, the National Earthquake Information Center, part of the U.S. Geological Survey, located in Golden, Colo., didn't see anything on its monitors, according to Don Blakeman, an earthquake analyst at the center. "We had a call earlier, apparently folks have been feeling something out there for about a day, but we couldn't find anything, we didn't see anything on our records," Blakeman said. "That doesn't mean something hasn't happened, but we don't know what it is." 
If the tremors had been as large as the small quakes that took place around Dallas they would have been detected on their equipment, Blakeman said. "Little earthquakes don't automatically trigger the computer's earthquake location," he said. "If we have an exact time, though, we can scan the records for it." 
Many tremors aren't necessarily earthquakes but can have man-made causes, both men said. "We were trying to determine what was going on, any type of military exercises at a higher level than locally, we worked on this throughout the night and we eliminated everything we could think of and continued to do some through today," Meyers said. "We went through the process of elimination on what it could be and ruled out all these different things," he said. "Whatever it was hasn't occurred since 4 a.m. Wednesday. It's unusual, to say the least." –Corsicana Daily Sun

Q-Alert News...December 7, 2012


Steve Quayle News

Larry Taylor
December 7, 2012 11:49am Central
Steve, Concerning the report of the North Texas tremors. Tuesday at around
mid afternoon, my brothernlaw and I were outside ( I live in West Central
Arkansas right on the Oklahoma border).

We kept hearing exploding noises coming directly from the west from Oklahoma (Leflore County) There was a ittle weather out that way, but even though it sounded unusual I kind of dismissed it to the weather. I live approximately 15 miles from Fort Chaffe and we are use to hearing bombs going off when they are training there.

We are close enough that it will slightly rattle the house a little. It always
comes from the East. Well, again this morning I started hearing the
explosion noises coming from the West in Oklahoma. Every 30 seconds or so
for about a half hour I continually heard the BOOM. I have called my County
Sherriff, the Leflore County authorities and the newspaper.

They are getting reports but noone knows what it is and they are trying to find out.

I have never heard this type of noise in the years that I have lived here
coming from that direction. It is very strange to say the least.

ANDY      Dec 6, 2012

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Ping your blogAnd Chomp it


  1. Blame it on Fracking !
    The booms and minor quakes are a harmless by-product of Natural Gas mining. Fracking is the (relatively new) process of fracturing deep mine shale using fluids at very high pressure as a means to release large quantities of Natural Gas to recovery vessels at the surface. Mines are repeatedly "fracked" until gas production wanes and then the fluids are either pumped to the surface for re-use or sealed in concrete containment areas below ground.

    The process of forcing millions of gallons of fluids into solid rock for the purpose of exposing highly volatile gas can create regional earthquakes of magnitude 3 and all the rumbling and "booming" noises that go with them.

    Now go back to sleep Myrtle and remember,
    it's only gas. . .

  2. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Fracking in Rhode Island? Where is the Natural Gas mining in Rhode Island?

  3. Seems there is no shale to frack in Rhode Island. What else could it be?

  4. Oh this IS a call to the world for in the days of it will be in the days of the coming of the Son of man...scoffers all over the world drowned by the numbers..Noah was an idiot they said..Theres gonna be a flood? Hahaha..right...People get ready...Jesus is coming..and every knee shall bow...your arrogance will be streaming down both legs on that day :) I pray you get it right.
