Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Belgium getting ready to Kill Alzheimer's Patients and Children

The cult of death is growing. The dark lords are gleeful.

AFP - 
Belgium is considering a significant change to its decade-old euthanasia law that would allow minors and Alzheimer's sufferers to seek permission to die.

The proposed changes to the law were submitted to parliament Tuesday by the Socialist party and are likely to be approved by other parties, although no date has yet been put forward for a parliamentary debate.

Belgium was the second country in the world after the Netherlands to legalise euthanasia in 2002 but it applies only to people over the age of 18.

Socialist Senator Philippe Mahoux, who helped draft the proposed changes, said there had been cases of adolescents who "had the capacity to decide" their future.

He said parliamentarians would also consider extended mercy-killing to people suffering from Alzheiner's-type illnesses.

Euthanasia was allowed to an Alzheimer's patient for the first time in the Netherlands last year.

"Minors" is a shielding word for "children"  -- and "Euthanasia" means "good killing" ; it is a nicer sounding word for murder, making it seem noble.    

Everything is not what it seems.  

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