Sunday, November 18, 2012

The coming EBT riots: What will happen when government entitlements stop?

The coming EBT riots: What will happen when government entitlements stop?:

EBT cards are modern-day food stamps, except they're electronic. In essence, they are government-issued debit cards that allow recipients to spend taxpayer money for their own groceries. But EBT cards aren't merely good on food staples like beans and rice, they can be spent on processed junk food that promotes diabetes and obesity. That's the "dirty little secret" of the EBT scheme: It encourages low-income Americans to become high-profit customers of the pharmaceutical industry by eating their way to obesity, diabetes, cancer and heart disease.

 "That's why the food industry loves EBT cards, too: Most EBT users are low-education consumers who understand virtually nothing about nutrition. They tend to buy the most nutritionally-depleted processed foods available, and that equates to high-profit foods for the processed food industry. (The highest-profit foods are the ones with the least nutrition, it turns out.)"

The purchase of vitamins is specifically prohibited by the EBT program. This is done as a way to keep EBT recipients sick and diseased while suffering from nutritional deficiencies, which is precisely what the federal government wants.

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