Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Rare Planetary Alignment with Pyramids Dec. 3, 2012

Planetary alignment that will take place Dec 3, 2012 is dead-on alignment with the Pyramids at Giza.  Please SHARE this Rare Opportunity!!!


Image Source: www.sun-gazing.com

Planetary alignment that will take place Dec 3, 2012 is dead-on alignment with the Pyramids at Giza. Please SHARE this Rare Opportunity!!!


Image Source: www.sun-gazing.com

See Pyramids and the Constellation of Orion:
Excerpt: All this has led many to see the Pyramids (particularly the Great Pyramid) as being built by visitors from another planet, since the technology was obviously not such as would have been available to Stone Age Man. The theorists speculate that the Pyramid is a message, a symbol of knowledge which we as early humans learnt to decipher, and hence built our own versions of the Pyramid, examples of which litter the Egyptian desert plateau in crumbling ruins. 
This message indicates that whoever built the Pyramid knew the Earth well: the length of the year, the radius of curvature, the standard measurement techniques, the average height of the continents, and the centre of the land mass. They were able to construct something that we still cannot construct today, and they were able to tie all these things together in this single structure. Were they extraterrestrial, or perhaps even supernatural? Some people think so. You be the Judge. End Excerpt

NASA knows some things. 2012 Survival Guide

2012 - The Untold Story Click Here 

Ping your blogAnd Chomp it www.Hypersmash.com

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