Sunday, November 04, 2012

Martial Law Declared,Parts of New Jersey

Picture Source: Before it's News

Martial Law Officially Declared in Parts of New Jersey As Hurricane Sandy Brings Massive Damage, Flooding

Matt at The Coming Crisis - 1 hour ago

 Top Comments on Above Video
  • Arelak
    Bit by bit, you get used to it, then they step it up and before long not so many generations down the line "martial law" is a common household word, soldiers on the street is nothing new and people grow so accustom to it they believe it was never any different. Social conditioning.

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Obama Refuses to Answer About Storm Victims’ Frustrations

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 6 hours ago
President Obama this morning ignored a reporter’s question about the mounting frustration victims of Hurricane Sandy are having with the response to the storm, refusing to let a question from the press interrupt a FEMA photo op in which he was on display taking action. An excerpt from the press pool report, which starts with a quote from Obama: *“There is nothing more important than us getting this right. And we’re going to spend as much time, effort and energy as necessary to make sure all the people of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut know that the entire country is behind the… more »


Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 hour ago


Sandy shows hospitals lack crisis preparedness

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 hour ago
Kim Bondy was in New Orleans seven years ago when Hurricane Katrina devastated the city, and scores of patients died in flooded hospitals cut off from power. She never thought that she might face that danger herself. But on Monday night, as superstorm Sandy submerged parts of New York City, Bondy was one of 215 patients evacuated from New York University’s Langone Medical Center after basement flooding from the East River cut off its electricity.

Sandy: ‘Tens Of Thousands In NY Need Housing’

Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 hour ago
Andrew Cuomo issued the warning as New York City residents were urged to guard against the increasing risk of hypothermia New York mayor Michael Bloomberg estimated between 30,000 and 40,000 people in the city alone would need housing in the wake of the storm.
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Effects Of Long Term Power Outages

Ken (Modern Survival Blog) at Modern Survival Blog - 42 minutes ago
The effects of long term power outages will be very severe to our modern way of life. Our human civilization has only existed with the ‘help’ of electricity for a VERY small slice of its overall timeline. It, and other factors, have enabled enormous population growth on the planet… to the point where if it [...]

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