Sunday, November 11, 2012

IDF fires back for first time since 1973 war

Syria fires mortar shell at Israel…IDF fires back for first time since 1973 war…rockets fired from Gaza

by joelcrosenberg
It's been a challenging 24 hours here since arriving in Israel. Palestinian terrorists in Gaza have fired more than 80 rockets and mortars at civilians living in southern Israel. The IDF has fired back. There are injuries on both sides of the border. Terrorists alsofired an anti-tank missile at an IDF jeep, wounding four Israeli soldiers. The Iron Dome has been fired to shoot down rockets. Israeli forces are on high alert in the south. Schools are closed. Businesses are closed. Tensions are running high as Israeliswonder if Hamas and Iran are trying to draw Israel into a war in Gaza. "The IDF is striking and will continue to strike Gaza," Prime Minister 
Netanyahu said. "Terrorist organizations are suffering grave setbacks at the hands of the IDF. The world must understand that Israel will not sit idly."
Tensions are also higher than normal in the north. Several days ago, three Syrian tanks entered the demilitarized zone near the Golan Heights. Today, Syrian forces have fired three mortar shells at Israelis on the Golan Heights. One actually crossed into Israel, a 120mm shell. Within the past hour, the IDF has fired back at Syria for thefirst time since the Yom Kippur War in 1973.
Please pray for peace and security to be restored on both borders. Pray for Israeli leaders to have wisdom to know how best to respond. Pray for the innocent civilians -- Jews and Arabs -- on both sides of the border that are caught in the crossfire. I'll keep you posted as best I can.
joelcrosenberg | November 11, 2012 at 4:03 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:  
JERUSALEM — Israel was drawn into the fighting in neighboring Syria for the first time Sunday, firing warning shots across the border after an errant mortar shell landed near an Israeli military installation in the Golan Heights.
While Israel appeared eager to calm the situation, its response was a potent reminder of how easily the Syrian civil war – already spilling across borders with Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan – could explode into a wider regional conflagration.
Israeli officials threatened even tougher retaliation if attacks persist.
They have feared that the instability in Syria over the past 19 months could spill across the border into Israel, particularly as President Bashar Assad's grip on power grows increasingly precarious.,israel

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