Sunday, October 07, 2012

If the SOCK PUPPET Wins, Get ready for $4,000 a year Tax Hike.

From Shadow Party to Shadow Government: George Soros and the Effort to Radically Change America

Sock it to ya, middle income people!
Heard tell that the Votes will be counted in Spain on machines owned by the murderer George Soros - but Snopes says that couldn't be possible, 
although it admits a connection.

Team up with ALEX JONES' 

1 comment:

  1. We are at the threshold of events in America that will make a backbreaking tax increase seem insignificant by comparison.

    We have allowed our nation's most valuable asset (our young people) to be brainwashed and polluted with the liquor of Communist doctrine through the erosion of morality, ethics and the political and educational standards of liberals for 100 years in the guise of progressive thinking. This is certainly not a finger pointing only to the liberal left or the Democratic Party since the Conservatives of this nation have stood idly by watching this country's transformation into a quivering mass of ignorant, unemployable, defenseless GOO while putting forth only token objection to the Communist dogma and especially of late the weakest, most pathetic political platforms and candidates ever seen in America. It is the Conservatives who have allowed fringe groups and foreign interests to run roughshod over our founding documents and force judicial decisions which sever the connection between mainstream America and the people we elect to do our bidding in government.

    Within ten years I fear that the United States will be rendered completely helpless and "out of the game" by either an utter, complete and final collapse due to continuing pressure from progressive interests which have so thoroughly infiltrated our government and education system as to become a terminal cancer for our nation OR a backlash so severe as to lead us into a self destructive Civil War or worse yet, into the final darkness of Fascism.

    Political and economic times such as these make it increasingly difficult to visualize the glass "half full". . .

