Sunday, September 16, 2012

Man Made Ancient Pyramids Found on Antarctica

A team of explorers is claiming that they have found evidence of at least three ancient man made pyramids on Antarctica!

Can it be possible that Antarctica was once warm enough in the recent past to actually have had an ancient civilization living there?  And even more perplexing is the question of if an advanced culture did develop there, are there any structures still remaining that are buried underneath the ice?  Amazingly a team of researchers is making the claim that they have found evidence of several ancient pyramids on the ice covered continent of Antarctica.

Besides these images, the team is remaining pretty silent with their discovery until more research can be conducted on these pyramids.  I was able to obtain some small bits of information from a friend of one of the team members though.  The team is made up of 8 explorers from America and several European countries.  Two of the pyramid structures were found approximately 10 miles inland while the third one was very close to the coastline.  The team is currently planning an expedition to physically reach at least one of the pyramids to determine if it is natural or artificial.  No time frame was given as to when this expedition will be taking place though. 

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1 comment:

  1. There are more pointy things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
