Sunday, July 22, 2012

Look at the Eyes of these Killers

Days of Chaos: Look at the Eyes…

Posted by lamarzulli on July 21, 2012

Commentary & Analysis

by L. A. Marzulli

Jared Laughner

James Holmes

Demonic Influence?

Colorado Theater Massacre Suspect Remains Jailed

Look at the eyes, and notice the smirk on the two faces.  Do you see any connection between the two men?  I do, and I believe it is the same satanic grin that we are looking at emanating from both men.  I emailed Russ Dizdar from the plane yesterday asking him to check the first photos of Holmes.  I wrote: Look at the photo of the Batman shooter.  I think we have another one.  Russ replied: Yes….. astounding and that same maniacal grin.
James Holmes has now been identified as the shooter and according to news sources his apartment has been rigged perhaps with explosives,  and his neighbors evacuated.
These are the Days of Chaos and events like the shooting in Colorado are graphic warnings that something is very wrong with our society.  Please remember that we have killed over 50 million unborn babies, taken God out of our schools, threatened to put people in jail for mentioning God at graduation, declared that He is dead, litigated to make sure the ten commandments don’t show up anywhere, and then we wonder why events like this happen. Is there a connection between our denial of God and the record drought that we are seeing in our southern states?  I think there is.
To the man or women who is not born of the spirit, events like the Batman shooter can not be explained or discerned.  To the man or women who is born from above, the shooting and mass killings in Colorado, bear the fingerprints of the Fallen Ones kingdom, which is to rob, kill, and destroy.
Was James Holmes triggered?  Is he a multiple, a super soldier?  We don’t know, but I believe there is a connection between Holmes and Loughner, as we see the same smirk, the same look in the eyes, and the same killing spree.  God help us.
Please pray for the families…
One last note: If only one person had been packing in that theater Holmes might have been stopped.  Protect our second amendment rights!

 Lee Loughner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jared Lee Loughner (born September 10, 1988), is an American citizen charged with the shooting in Tucson, Arizona, on January 8, 2011, that killed six people ...

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1 comment:

  1. This "shooting" was a drill just like the drill in Az in the Gifford's shooting.
    Please, if you really desire to push the truth, go to "" and see the evidence for yourself.
    We're all being scammed.
