Sunday, June 17, 2012

Mysterious SinkHoles in Russian Forests

A strange phenomena is happening in some Russian forests. People are finding strange, deep holes.

They appear in the dense forest, in the places you can’t get on the car or truck to bring any device to drill the ground. There is no soil nearby that should be taken from such deep hole.

When people are brave enough to venture into the holes, they find that they end abruptly in the darkness.  There are no any reasonable ideas on how these holes appear and what they are being used for.  No one knows who or what is digging these holes or why.

Source: Slightly Warped

Jul 28, 2011
Geologists were called in to test three sinkholes, one as big as a house, to see how much work needs to be done under the airport runways. Airport director Bruce Payton says although the runways are safe for now, there is ...
Jul 26, 2010
While it appears that our economy is in a deflationary sinkhole, numerous sinkholes are being reported throughout the world. Wiki says, "A sinkhole, also known as asink, shake hole, swallow hole, swallet, doline or cenote, ...
Jul 26, 2010
When we buy your sink hole damaged home, you can rest assured knowing that you will no longer have the financial or emotional stress or liability of owning a sinkhole home that can endanger your family and drain your ...
Nov 08, 2010
What in the world is causing all of these sinkholes in 2010? While there have always been sinkholes, 2010 has truly been a banner year for them. The colossal sinkhole in Guatemala made the most headlines, but the truth is ...

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  1. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Those appear to be water features or 'pipes' caused by internal erosion. The 'groundwater table' would be very deep. Surface water would drain and erode these 'pipes' seeping by gravity to the deeper water table. Similar to 'Karst' topography. I am a geotechnical engineer. Russia has had some of the best geotechnical engineers in the world and they are certainly able to evaluate the cause of these hole.

    1. Anonymous6:44 PM

      All these sink holes are enterences to hell, the three days of darkness will unlease all of satans demons to kill and torchure man

  2. Doug Eberspacher11:40 AM

    These things are probably where they are drilling underground and nothing more than they drill upwards to get oz=xygen. They can't be sinkoles. They are drilled. So the tunnel is put in and dirt is placed from inside. If they were to dig they would hit metal or concrete.

  3. Wally Taylor4:42 PM

    It's easy to explain. Those sink holes have been drilled from the bottom. It's where they are tunneling underground. They are to get air to breath as they go along and to ventilate. I mean if there is no way to get equipment there and no dirt there can be one explanation. They are ventilation shafts. If they were to shovel down 10 feet they might hit concrete. Why do these people act like they don't have a clue?

    1. Thanks a lot, I've been googling for ages, because I simple can't settle with

      " It's aliens looking for water "

      "All these sink holes are enterences to hell, the three days of darkness will unlease all of satans demons to kill and torchure man"

  4. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Sinkholes are a common natural geologic process caused by percolation of surface water into the ground and dissolving limestone over long periods of time. End of story.

    1. Please do some research before revealing your total ignorance, the Sink Holes in question are not being found in areas where limestone is prevalent in near surface strata, so this mystery remains just that, i.e. not the end of the story at all_PERIOD !

  5. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Doesn't look like a 'sinkhole' to me. Looks artificially made, but just my opinion.

  6. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Those are bore holes if I ever saw one.

  7. Anonymous10:35 PM


  8. I have seen the Holy Spirit from the Midst of the earth which causes these, they have begone to rise UP, as prophesy.... go to the sites now mentioned below, the Minister therein has signs and Sounding/Gathering Word....Exodus 8:22 ...

    Our Lord's science has proved His mystery and instead His children of Science deny Him while reaping the benefits of His delivered Knowledge! For evidence that He and He alone brought forth Science go to the about us page, the Adam the first researcher page, and Proof in the news and science page, and the Targum page and the Proof of His healing in painting and verse page on the website at google search of Adam and Eve seed gathering Ministry!

    Also on the Prophecy and the Signs page are the prewritten news events of this day prewritten three years ago and some more, { as evidence the Minister of the site is a Righteous man who has been given the keys/code Rev:10:7/1:17-18 giving him the ability to figure and deduce when events will accure } these signs are now falling each week, such as the Japan quake and tidal wave, and the DC/Virginia Beach Virginia quake our Lord Jesus the Great scientist/physician brought on the same day as the unveiling of the martin luther king statue { with as we speak more quakes are coming to DC/V.Beach } also the record disturbances on the Suns surface all prophecy before their taking place so all of Science and Theology will know the Minister of the site is sent John 13:20 and a Righteous man! Many other signs listed there have come and are coming for this sounding to Science of God's Mystery being now finished by Science Revelation 10:7 for other proofs contact the minister for questions or more answers!

    Also go to the site at Adam and Eve in Action blog at google search, and therein are videos and links and pages of undeniable evidence that our Lord now prepares His earth for His retaking of it Matthew 5:5 and 25:34 Rev:5:10 and 21:3-4.... Respect to all scientists of Adam/God's seed/of Science/Nasa

  9. Guys,

    The geologists are filling you with a bunch of crap. The holes are created from weakly interacting massive particles orbiting through earth. They are mostly emitted from the sun during solar storms. All on my blog @

  10. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Alaskan Bull Worms have migrated
