Thursday, May 03, 2012

Strange Sounds Reported In Central Ohio

Published on Apr 25, 2012 by 
This happened on Thursday, April 12, 2012...This couldn't be a sound from a jet since it lasted for more than 45 seconds, and Rocky Van Brimmer claimed it happened for more than 2-3 mins long. Plus, the FAA didn't claim responsibility to any aircraft in the area that would cause this.

Here are some of the comments from residents in Central Ohio...

"This was unlike anything I've ever heard. Deep, thundering and non-directional. It wasn't an aircraft. My best guess is an astroid passing in the upper atmosphere with fragments breaking up and exploding as they entered."

"This has been going on in several states. The latest was in Wisconsin. There has been recordings of this sound in Illinois, Florida, and Indiana. Specialists in different areas have been called in and haven't been able to determine the source of the sound."

"Another reason for such a sound like this is that as the planets align the portal to the next dimensions are opening so that the spirits stuck here can now proceed forward with their travels. As the alignment happens certain areas of the plant will hear a large booming sound do the vacuum cause by the void in the open gateway. When the moon is illuminated and the night is clear, with a pair of high powered 3D glasses you will be able witness the spirits begin there travels. The best place to be to see this is your local graveyard. It will look like the northern lights around the tombstones. I have been watching out my back window on clear nights."

"This was not from within the Earth , but from far above. Hope the next one doesn't hit us."


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Uploader Comments ( jcattera )

  • It's the creatures Ezekiel described. which are the angels in their spirit ships. I have seen 4 of them and two nights ago i was shown a fifth one. So I expect two more are to come soon and then I think it begins.
  • Thanks for your comment. It's almost similar to one of the comments from one of the residents in the more info above. They mentioned a open gateway where spirits begin their travels.

Top Comments

  • That big ass bright star looking thing in the West every night is getting closer,we're being decieved, Peace out
  • I remember telling my kids back in Feb. that the noices we heard during a "supposed storm" with quiet lightning and no rain, WAS NOT thunder,..then all of a sudden it was being reported everywhere! I live 1 mile from a airforce base and i know the difference between the "sonic booms" and this boom. Somethings just not right folks!!?????!!!
see all

All Comments (65)

  • That approach won't work with me but anyway I grew up looking at Venus that's not it you'll find out in the next couple years these individuals are very slick and run a very complex demonic matrix, YOUR life, that's why they still rule here after 8000 years ,you say it's venus ok we'll leave at that ,what do you care what I believe it is anyway? don't you have anything else to do?
  • I do walk by faith and I asked you specifically "how is it YOU/we are being deceived?" You implied that Venus is something other than the planet that you are seeing and I asked how you believe we are being deceived. You can't answer because you don't really know, do you?
  • So just how is it that we are being deceived, because you walk by site not faith or you would know, May God watch over you&yours Peace out
  • that is Venus (a planet, not a star) and I have been watching it every night for months. It is getting brighter and will cross in front of the sun on June 5th.  So just how is it that we are being deceived?
  • If this comment was towards OHIOverdrive... nothing I said made me a tierra wearing ufo or conspiracy loon. But if you don't believe anything is're limited.
  • I totally agree with your last sentence. And "rational explanation" in this case = in the realm of technological possibility - to me - and I'm OK with that. It's just not explainable towards what it was at this moment. U.A.P. Unexplained Audial Phenomenon
  • i'm sure it has a rational explanation. tired of people delving into fantasy land when they don't know what something is. keep in mind we are like little fleas on the surface of the earth in a wild and dangerous universe.

  • That was no fighter jet. Test flight of what? Something HUGE and new if so. I was outside in Lewis Center at 6 and it was no sonic boom, the most earth shattering noise i ever heard. and ROARED in the distance for so long. Whatever it was, was directly over me and my brother.
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