Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Naked Man Rips out Still Beating Heart and Face

Cage fighter 'rips out still-beating heart of training partner after fearing he was possessed by the devil'


Jarrod Wyatt
Arrested: Jarrod Wyatt was allegedly found standing naked over his dead friend's body in a room bathed in blood
A U.S. cage fighter ripped out the heart of his training partner while he was still alive after becoming convinced he was possessed by the devil, it was alleged today.
Jarrod Wyatt also cut out Taylor Powell's tongue and ripped off most of his face in a brutal assault that police said looked like a scene from a horror film, officers said.

They claim they found the 26-year-old standing naked over his friend's body with parts, including an eyeball, strewn around the blood splattered room in Klamath, California.

Wyatt allegedly told police he had drunk a cup of tea spiked with hallucinogenic mushrooms and became convinced Powell was possessed.

According to an autopsy Powell, 21, bled to death after his heart was ripped out.

The coroner said Powell had been alive when the organ was ripped out after his chest had been sliced open with a knife.
Wyatt told the police he thrown the heart into a fire along with other organs that he had removed from the body, it was claimed.

He allegedly told investigators he cooked the body parts because he was fearful Powell was still alive and he ‘needed to stop the Devil’.

Police had been called to the grisly scene after a third friend had witnessed a sudden mood change in Wyatt after they had all ingested wild mushroom tea.

Justin Davis told police he returned to the flat to find Wyatt naked and covered from head to toe in blood.

He noticed an eyeball lying in the middle of the floor and saw Powell's mutilated body.

A lawyer representing Wyatt has claimed the wild mushrooms caused him to act in such a violent way and had no control over his actions.

‘My client was trying to silence the devil,’ said James Fallman.

‘I think he was having a psychotic fit based on the mushrooms he had.’ 

Wyatt has been charged with first degree murder and torture.

Prosecutors added the torture charge as Powell was still alive when his heart was removed.

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  1. Mushrooms? That's ridiculos... he is just insane and should get the most cruel punishment possible, I think death penalty should be practiced in cases alike.

  2. Anonymous5:56 PM

    When will the media and police quit blaming drugs for every heinous crime that happens? I seriously doubt it was because of the drugs. Maybe they caused all of this to come out, but the guy had to be a bit off in the first place! This is insane.

  3. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Ill bet 1 out of every mill. who eat mushrooms will turn into naked flesh ripping zombies. Just like 1 out of 1 mill. who take that bath salts will. Just sayin.

  4. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Dont do drugs its a way for the devil to possess u!!! All these things happening lately r happenening after someone puts drugs n their body. OmyGod help us.. DONT DO DRUGS.
