Thursday, May 03, 2012

Breaking the Pattern of Cycles 2012

The Choice Point - Gregg Braden

Uploaded by  on Feb 27, 2012

Gregg Braden explains that we live in a world of cycles, and Choice Points relate to the events leading up to 2012.




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It's called a's a cycle...we do it day after day......a cyclical event.....please ...before the next cycle begins...use a chioce point and shave..........(sigh)....

  • Great and vital info
  • ahhh the liminal space...I get it now, thank you!
  • That's great! "At the still point of the turning world. Neither flesh nor fleshless;
    Neither from nor towards; at the still point, there the dance is,
    But neither arrest nor movement." - T.S. Elliot, 4 Quartets

  • Well said, Mr. Braden

Audio CD:
Gregg Braden - Choice Point


Nightingale Conant says "Right now we are laying the foundation for a new era of human existence - an opportunity that won't come around again for another 5,125 years! The predictions for 2012 and beyond range from an era of chaos and destruction to a thousand years of peace and cooperation. So the choices we make now are critical to our welfare, our children's lives, and even affect entire civilizations over the next 5,000 years. Gregg Braden, a renowned scientist, scholar and bestselling author of three previous Nightingale-Conant programs, presents to you his life's work. In Choice Point 2012, Gregg merges science and spirituality in a way that's new for him, new to you, and something the world has never experienced before. Get ready to embark on a new way of thinking and being. Because ancient science proves how your choices today have a profound effect on futures tomorrow. Not simply your future and your family's future ... but the future of mankind!"

  • _______-____________________________

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How to survive the Coming Food Crisis Click Here

AquaPonics Grow Vegetables without Dirt.

Survival Farming Click Here!

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The Anti-Christ Identity? Can we know it now?  Choose Sides - are you on God's side?

Dinesh D'Souza is author of many New York Times best sellers. The movie is from Gerald R. Molen, producer of Academy Award WinningSchindler's List.
It explains in plain language who Barack Obama really is, what he stands for, and the dangers of him being reelected for another four years.
Watch this short informative video preview of this movie which came out only yesterday and share it with others. It has already been seen by over 600,000 people. Within a very short time it will have been seen by millions!

Every moment is a Choice Point.  "Before you this day, I have placed Good and Evil.  Choose thou Good."

2012 - The Untold Story Click Here 

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