Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Mother of All Conspiracies, page 1

The Mother of All Conspiracies, page 1: "The Mother of All Conspiracies, page 1

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ATS Members have flagged this thread 19 times Topic started on 17-4-2012 @ 09:45 PM by guavas
Dear fellow truth seekers, I think I've figured it out. Of all the years I've spent researching alternative subjects in a quest to get a bead on this whole reality business, I think enough pieces just finally fell into place that explains perfectly so much of the bizarre, and perplexing behavior and events we've been seeing and have been subjected to now for decades.

It is highly unlikely that, what with billions of primates all banging on keyboards simultaneously across the planet, that this particular epiphany is entirely and originally mine. However, I will lay it out as it has originally come to me, and I can think of no other place to "throw it out there" than ATS. (In other words, I apologize if you've heard of this all before, or have come up with it in some form or fashion on your own)

Having said that, here is my conspiracy theory tha"

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