Saturday, April 07, 2012

A Million Signatures Disregarded by FDA on GMO

Written by EcoWorld   
Friday, 30 March 2012 08:35
The FDA virtually erased 1 million signatures and comments on the ‘Just Label It’ campaign calling for the labeling of genetically modified foods.

Apparently, the FDA counts the amount of signatures not by how many people signed, but how many different individual letters are brought to it, say the Intelhub. Even if tens of thousands of signatures presented on a single petition are counted as – you guessed it – a single comment. This is how, despite over a million supporters being gathered by the petition, the FDA concluded a count of only 394.
FDA spokesperson Siobhan DeLancey said the rules are the same with for all citizens’ petitions to the FDA.

"Because that's the case for all dockets (petitions)," she said, "it's impossible for me to compare the claim of 1 million comments to other dockets--especially without knowing how JLI is defining a 'comment'."

"They sent a letter saying that they had not made a decision yet and when they did they would let us know," said Andrew Kimbrell an attorney for the Center for Food Safety, one of the partner groups on the Just Label It campaign. 

"We know that this is a complicated issue and this response is not uncommon," he said. "But legally they are in a very difficult position in not mandating labeling because, among other things, so many of our trading partner require it."

Contributing Sources:

Coup Media


Thanks to LMT, South Florida Global Rumblings correspondent for providing us with this article.

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