Saturday, March 03, 2012

Saudi's DENY Pipeline Explosion,but Photos PROVE it. Oil Going Nuts!

Saudi Officials Deny Reports Of Pipeline Explosion After Crude Oil Hits $110 

But We Have Photos That Could Tell A Different Story

Earlier, Zero Hedge cited reports that a Saudi oil pipeline had exploded—both from Iranian Press TV as well as a blog titled The Arab Digest.
Immediately following Zero Hedge's report, the price of oil shot upwards, hitting $110 per barrel momentarily. That's the highest price of crude since May 4, 2011.
We think the reason that this headline had such an impact on markets is because the report that's generally being cited—that from The Arab Digest—suggests that the explosion is related to the Arab Spring protests:
Around 4PM, Saudi officials denied reports of the explosion, according to Dow Jones. That appeared to still the rise in prices.

Concerns remain about Saudi officials' motives for the denials, and given the country's tight control of the media there may be reason to dispute their statements.
Here are photos from The Arab Digest, reportedly showing the pipeline on fire. The blog says these photos come from their correspondent based in Qatif.
saudi oil pipeline on fire
This photo evidently shows the pipeline on fire.
saudi arabia oil pipeline on fire
Another photo from The Arab Digest's Qatif correspondent, reportedly showing the pipeline on fire 

Below is a map of oil fields in Saudi Arabia:

The Eastern region is where most of the oil fields are based. The events, if they continue, might force Saudi Arabia to lower its production expectations this year, thus affecting world supplies, and possible the world economy.
Below is a video of Awamiya, Eastern Saudi Arabia, you could see the oil fields from minute three onward. The oil fields are a vital source of Oil production in Saudi Arabia and the world.

Uploaded by  on Feb 29, 2012
No description available.
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All Comments (3) (Translated to English)

  • Tstouhhna not the way of truth I would say patency
    The suspension was canceled because some people in the comments what animals Aglqoha
  • 3 # A Gaal, 4 and 3 children the fun by weight, says the march
  • Hahahahahahah Nayef animal

And now back to your regularly scheduled deflation.

Contributing Sources:

The Arab Digest

Business Insider

Zero Hedge

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