Thursday, March 15, 2012

Ides of March Conspiracy

by ahrcanum

What’s twisting our antenna,

March 15, 2012?

Our Global Warming vacation has done us a world of good.  Most of us  were in Florida to escape the snow for awhile.  Those who stayed claim it wasn't much of a winter. 
Everyone needs to remove the tinfoil hat once in awhile and take a conspiracy break!  Now back at home, the temperatures are in the 60's and soon we will begin plowing, planting and harvesting non-Monsanto seeds.
While today might be an ordinary day; for those of us who do occasionally wear our tinfoil hats, The Ides of March is the perfect opportunity to catch up on conspiracy. 
"Beware The Ides of March,"  is a warning for today and found in the Roman calendar that marks the middle of the month.  Roman leader Julius Caesar was warned that he was in imminent danger.  Caesar didn't listen and was stabbed to death on March 15, 44 B.C.  If someone warned you of impending danger would you do something to avoid it? Go ahead light up another Marlboro, toss back a Scotch (Maker's Mark preferably) while you read!
There are warning signs everywhere that doom, gloom and disaster could strike at anytime.  Just ask the people of The Great Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, whom just realized the one year anniversary only to have numerous quakes yesterday.
MAP 6.9  2012/03/14 09:08:38   40.899   144.923 26.6  OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
What kind of warning does a nation need to not build a nuclear reactor on top of a known seismically active region? 
Two civic groups in Fukushima Prefecture are planning to file a criminal complaint against senior officials of Tokyo Electric Power Co. and government bodies for professional negligence over the Fukushima nuclear crisis, group members said Wednesday.
Yukuo Yasuda, a lawyer supporting the groups, said the citizens are set to accuse TEPCO of failure to take necessary measures to cope with massive tsunami even though the possibility of such a disaster was pointed out before the March 11 calamity last year.
What will it take to realized that millions put there lives in danger by just living near the San Andreas Fault?
MAP 3.3  2012/03/15 06:31:23   33.231  -116.119 14.4  SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA
Millions more could be in peril on the U.S. coastal areas with the threat of hurricanes! Auntie Em, Auntie Em! Say nothing of the recent Tornado that wiped out and entire Indiana town.
Ahhhh, remember Giampaolo Guiliani, a seismologist at the nearby Gran Sasso National Laboratory in Abruzzo, who predicted, following months of small tremors in the area, that a much bigger jolt was on its way.
And what of the Haiti earthquake quandary?
Recent research and observation have shown that the process of seismogenesis is not completely random — earthquakes tend to be localized in space, primarily on plate boundaries, and seem to be clustered in time more than would be expected for a random process.
You think it is easy living on the 3rd Planet from the Sun?  Disasters (natural or man-made) on Earth come from earthquakes, tornado's,  plagues, disease, volcanos, wars, and religions just to name a few.
More recent, some conspiracy theory claims a mysterious planet-sized ‘Death Star’ has been captured on video as it ‘refuels’ at the surface of the sun. 
Youtube user 'Sunsflare' captures the strange orb 'anchored' above the visible surface of the sun in photos from Nasa's Solar Dynamics Observatory
Telescope images of the sun show what appears to be a planet-size dark object extending a ‘hose’ towards the sun – before it’s engulfed by light from the sun, and flies off into space.
Now if someone or something can harness the energy of the sun, that is some major $hit.  Likely just a freak of the nature of the universe. Right?
And just what the hell is this sound coming from a sun's solar storm?  It's a "sonification" of measurements from two spacecraft during the most recent storm. 
Could this noise have something to do with us asking, "What is That Noise?" For the record, as The CEO & Czar of  The Committee In My Head and a few other minions, these sounds are not anywhere near what I hear. 
Created by doctoral candidate Robert Alexander II, he explores  the world of science through sound. His,
...research lies at the intersection of technology and creativity, and my goal is to create new interfaces for enabling human expression. 
Maybe his research will lead to enabling alien expression as well.  We can't get the movie, Contact out of our heads because to our untrained ear it sounds like either, "I hate you," or "I love you."  Then again maybe it is the voice of God?
Changing directions, there is the conspiracy of a war on women and conservatives with Sandra Fluke at
While perhaps not a "Slut," she has none-the-less prostituted for the left, in as much as we at Ahrcanum prostitute for the right.  Writing what is right, we found this-
What is a good conspiracy article without including President Obama? 
With the results of Maricopa County, AZ, sheriff Joe Arpaio’s “Cold Case Posse,” an incredible claim has become an incredible situation: a team of professional investigators, commissioned by a major law-enforcement agency, has determined that the alleged birth certificate produced by the president of the United States is a probable forgery.
However ridiculous it might seem, if President Obama does not meet the qualifications to be President, we have a SNAFU of major proportion.
The thing about the Ides of March being a warning, is some what passe.  What is not is that there is indeed a war on for your mind.  Do you not believe Christianity is being wiped clean in Egypt and other places?  Do you not believe that you are not influenced by mainstream media?  Do you not believe in yourself?
What we believe is that only God is perfect.  The $hit might hit the fan sometime, somewhere, somehow.  Just ask the Syrian or Egyptian people.  It doesn't take the Ides of March for us to know someday each of our days will end. 
Stay tuned and have a good day; one day it will be your last.  God Bless.
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