Saturday, March 03, 2012

Freaking Out Hailstorm Indiana

Uploaded by  on Mar 3, 2012
I agree .. NEVER IN MY LIFE have I seen such a tremendous weather outbreak effect so many people over so many states..... it may indeed be one for the record books when it comes to widespread damage.. only time will tell.

This video is just a SMALL SAMPLE of the severity of these storm.

The March Mega-storms of 2012 have turned out to be something for the record books, tragedy beyond imagination in many towns across the United States. Our thoughts and prayers are with those effected by this severe weather outbreak.

MANY THANKS to youtube video maker 'themetaltempest' for recording this!

make sure to check out their Anti-GMO site !!!




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Uploader Comments (dutchsinse)

  • I just see regular hail... A lot of it though. Could someone please explain to this video?
  • @MrMazerman golf ball and baseball sized.. and a LOT of it

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  • R.I.P. Headphone Users.
  • March....., 2012... This Year, she came in like a LION, were going out with the Lamb!
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  • @MrMazerman This is NOT regular hail. March is coming in like a LION in the main states of the U.S. It's been a LAMB here in very south Florida, though - so far!
  • I have witnessed hail like this in Nebraska, and once while in South Dakota I witnessed softball sized hail, incredible. The noise factor is nerve wracking alone.. Bless those who went through the tornado system yesterday.
  • Thats crazy scary

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