Sunday, March 25, 2012

7.2 Mag Earthquake - Chile

Uploaded by  on Mar 25, 2012
Another large earthquake has struck.. making this a VERY busy past 5 days... since the Mexico 7.9M on 3/20/2012 --- things have been in a noticeable state of unrest globally.

Here is the website post with the links you will need to monitor earthquakes globally.

Be aware now.. west coast USA, possibly new madrid seismic zone... also another possibility Puerto Rico --- as well as Japan, New Zealand, Philippines, and Alaska.

ALL the above named areas are primed and ready (and also overdue) for another sizable earthquake in the near term... for west coast .. it could mean at least a 6.0M somewhere from Baja north to Mono Lake.. then northwest off the coast of Oregon .. further northeast from that point towards Vancouver Island BC...

For the midwest... Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois ..... New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ)... adjacent areas may see 5.0M+ .. such as east coast (virginia).. and out west in Colorado/New Mexico/Utah/Nevada/Wyoming.

Recent areas such as Wisconsin (booming sounds) and Plume areas in the midwest and southwest (MO, AR, KS, OK, UT, NM)... also be alert for possible smaller but noticeable movement .




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