Saturday, September 03, 2011

Humans plan to create huge volcano to fix climate

The plan is to be implemented soon.

We don't have enough volcanoes already?  
Are we trying to play God here?  How about the time honored phrase, 

"You can't mess with Mother Nature!" ?  

There are always truths behind such maxims.  Truths that have been learned through generations of human first hand experience, handed down by grandfathers, and grandmothers.  

This is from the TopNews site, New Zealand:

Stadium-sized artificial floating volcano aims to fix Earth's climate

Stadium-sized artificial floating volcano aims to fix Earth's climateIn what apparently will be a landmark experiment in geoengineering, researchers from various UK universities will try to fix Earth’s climate by mimicking volcanic activity – with a 20km-high, stadium-sized artificial floating volcano!
The experiment in geoengineering - where human beings intentionally stage-manage the natural systems of the Earth in order that the impacts of climate change are counterbalanced - apparently is an upshot of the fact that volcanoes belch chemical particles into the atmosphere, which reflect solar radiation on the planet as well as bring about a reduction in its surface temperatures.

For the experiment, which is a serious concept even though it might appear to be a wacky plan of a comic villain, the researchers intend to copy the volcanic activity by spewing out sulphate aerosol particles from a stadium-sized balloon.

The proposed experiment – called Stratospheric Particle Injection for Climate Engineering (SPICE) – is the brainchild of the researchers at the Cambridge, Oxford, Reading and Bristol universities; and it received a £1.6 million grant from the government as well as the backing of Royal Society last year.

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Friday, July 22, 2011

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