Monday, September 12, 2011

FEMA Not At Texas Fires at 9:00AM

More than a 1,500 Texas residents have already lost their homes, as firefighters continue 
to battle the Texas wildfires, and they all desperately need your help.

FEMA is not on the ground, and the federal government has not committed any money to charities or aid organizations to help families that have been left homeless.

Likewise, members of the National Guard have not been ordered by their commanding officers into the field to help. But on Sunday, 20 members decided to take five Humvees and head out on their own to go and help Moms Against Hunger. These members of the National Guard told a volunteer that they were tired of the federal government not allowing them to help.

These men did help. They brought food and clothing, and gave what they had to a family that lost all of their worldly possessions, but still have their lives, and were receiving basic necessities from Moms Against Hunger.

We are in desperate need of your support to continue our efforts to provide food, water, personal hygiene products, and additional tools the firefighters need so they can continue to battle the blazes. Our resources are running low, and it takes money to provide for the basic needs of Americans who are now homeless.

Along with local churches and charities, Americans are helping Americans in this effort to feed firefighters who must consume thousands of calories in order to maintain their strength to work 24-hour shifts in the heat and in these harsh conditions; and at the same time, more people are coming through our distribution lines to receive supplies that can last them for days.

Please CLICK HERE to send an URGENT DONATION to help victims in Texas who are homeless and displaced because fires have destroyed their homes. Our Moms Against Hunger WILDFIRE RESPONSE TEAM needs donations to provide food and supplies to the volunteer firefighters,and all who are in need! 

Moms Against Hunger is a Christian organization, and our volunteers are working two distribution lines that are open from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. every day to provide food, water, juice, and hygiene products to Bastrop and Magnolia residents who are watching and waiting to find out if their homes have been consumed by fire or if they were spared.

Most residents have already been out of their homes for more than a week; some know that they have lost their homes and are homeless; and many are staying at local shelters, with family members, or are living inside their vehicles.

What they need most are the basic essentials that people use every day - tooth brushes, toothpaste, toilet paper, paper towels, diapers, baby wipes, water, juice boxes, headache medicine, Imodium, and even coloring books for children who are not in school. All of these products are being provided to those in your need because of your giving - people are helping people - this is not a federal effort.

These fires are raging, and they are very close to Austin. Right now, they are as close as 15 miles from the Austin Bergstrom International Airport.

And although President Obama signed a declaration on Friday, making Texas a national disaster area, boots are not on the ground. As of today, our volunteers are reporting that they have not seen the federal government on site yet. FEMA isn't here or helping, but Moms Against Hunger is, and we are working with local church ministries to help them organize distribution lines and provide them with several days worth of food, water, and necessities.

When you have lost everything, being able to eat a meal is a comfort and a blessing.

Please CLICK HERE to send an URGENT DONATION to help victims in Texas who are homeless and displaced because fires have destroyed their homes. Our Moms Against Hunger WILDFIRE RESPONSE TEAM needs donations to provide food and supplies to the volunteer firefighters, and all who are in need! 

As firefighters, who have come from around the country to help, continue to battle the infernos that are raging across the state, we are doing what we can help them and the families who are in need. With help from Americans like you, we are able to buy the tools, food and products the firefighters did not bring or need more of. We have already sent all of the socks we had to the firefighters who have been standing in water with wet feet for days now. In addition, we continue to work to keep nerves calm while residents wait to find out what has happened to their homes--parents are anxious, but are trying to keep their children from being afraid.

We know what we need to do to help, but we need your generous donations to do so. We need funding so we can buy supplies for firefighters - masks, shovels, sunscreen and hand wipes. We also need food, water and supplies for the short-term use of shelters.

Every day, residents wait behind police checkpoints in the ash and smoke-filled air, watching the devastation and the helicopters that continue to dump tons of water on the raging wildfires that look as though they will never stop burning.

We are fortunate that we have been able to help so many families, but our supplies are diminishing and we need your help! No one else is here to help, it's just Americans helping Americans right now.

Along with other local churches and charities, we've been able to provide meals for firefighters, meeting them at their checkpoints during rotations -- but we are running low on everything that we need to continue to provide for the firefighters (many of them volunteer) and the displaced.

Helping those who are in need is what Christ would want His followers to do.

We are doing everything we can to provide help to everyone in the community, but we have an emergency on our hands and we desperately need your financial contribution to continue to do God's work by helping those who are in need.

Please CLICK HERE to send an URGENT DONATION to help victims in Texas who have lost their homes to the wildfires. Our Moms Against Hunger WILDFIRE RESPONSE TEAM needs donations to provide food and supplies to firefighters and residents who are displaced.The need is desperately URGENT! 

During this disaster, a meal, cold water, and a toothbrush and toothpaste are genuine luxuries. These are simple items, but they make a world of difference in the lives of those who have lost their homes - and those who are fighting to saves lives by battling the fires.

Your donation will help provide meals to the firefighters, those who are working at the command centers, and help to feed Texans who are displaced and have no home to return to.

Will you help to provide meals that Moms Against Hunger is giving to the firefighters; and help fund our efforts to distribute food, water, baby items and toiletries to Texas residents who are displaced or homeless?

NOW is the time for you to decide---should I or shouldn't I? Thousands of victims are looking to you to help.

In fact, we cannot continue our work without you.

Please take this important first step and say YES to those in need.

Your gift WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE in the lives of thousands of people. 

We thank you in advance for your love and compassion,

Dr. Gayla Holley Founder and President

If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. I John 3:17-18 

Contribute online or by mail:
Department Code 6854 P.O. Box 25
La Porte, Texas 77571

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