Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Canary Islands Evacuations Have Begun-1006 Earthquakes

September 28, 2011    
Earthquake Swarm Hits Canary Islands, Evacuations Have Begun
by Mitch Battros - Earth Changes

Over the last seven days of activity, 1006 earthquakes have occurred on the Canary Island of El Hierro. It was when magnitudes of 3.0 and higher were registered; the Spanish National Geographic Institute raised the alert level to Yellow, and began evacuation of El Hierro Island which is part of the Canary Island chain.

Beginning on July 19th, more than 8000 quakes have occurred ranging from 1.1 to yesterdays 3.4 magnitude. If (or when) seismic activity reaches 4.0 or higher, the entire island will be evacuated and the alert level will rise to 'Red'.


Earthquake List:

Police evacuated residents and tourists from houses at the foot of a volcano on Spain's Canary Islands after a recent series of earthquakes, authorities and witnesses said Wednesday.


37 Food Items that will be SOLD OUT after Crisis: 
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