Monday, August 22, 2011

Hurricane Irene strengthens to Category 2

Update: Now a Category 2 Hurricane
Hurricane Irene has intensified to a category 2 system, as it continues on a path toward the Bahamas. At 8 p.m. Monday the storm was in the Atlantic about 200 miles southeast of Grand Turk Island, moving northwest at 10 mph with maximum sustained winds of 100 miles per hour.

Picking up steam, Irene, the first hurricane of 2011, looks headed for major storm status and for Florida and the Carolinas.
Hurricane Irene strengthens to Category 2
Under the latest forecast, the system would move north of Hispaniola on Monday and Tuesday. (University of Colorado, courtesy)
Hurricane Irene, now packing 80-mph winds that made it a Category 1 hurricane, passed Monday north of the island of Hispaniola, home to Haiti and the Dominican Republic, and will head for the Bahamas by Wednesday.
The move prompted a warning from the National Hurricane Center in Miami, that the storm will likely intensify to a Category 3 storm with winds of at least 111 mph by Thursday. 

"Residents of Florida and the southeastern U.S. should be keeping their eyes on this storm and have their hurricane supplies ready now," says hurricane center spokesman Dennis Feltgen. "No one wants to be standing in line at the hardware store when a storm hits."

Irene hits Puerto Rico:

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