Saturday, July 30, 2011

USGS denies cloud cover, volcanic plumes, California -Nevada

7/29/2011 -- USGS issues SECOND statement RE California and Nevada volcanic plumes

Uploaded by  on Jul 29, 2011
First, they said it was a thunderstorm: view THAT video here:

Then a day ago SIX plumes erupted from california to nevada ! view that video here:

Today, July 29, 2011 .. the USGS issued ANOTHER statement in regards to the videos we have all made---

Now the USGS says there was NO cloud cover evidence on satellite !!! AND they also say .. quote "there is NO SEISMICITY in the area indicative of volcanic activity."

OMG .... WRONG!!! did they somehow FORGET about the 6.0 that just happened south of there, or the dozens of 3.0's in the region, or the magma harmonics I SHOWED from the region which clearly tell the tale...

better put, this USGS article...its a downright LIE, and we can prove it with or videos which SHOW cloud cover, RADAR, and the actual seismograph readouts .. I suppose they did NOT actually watch our videos.. EPIC FAIL !!

here is the 2nd statement: full of untruths...

Inquiries have come to the USGS regarding a potential eruption in the vicinity of Lavic Lake Volcanic Field (LLVF) in Southern California. The inquiries stem from a citizen report noting a plume-like feature on NEXRAD radar imagery from July 23, 2011. USGS volcanologists evaluating the situation find nothing to indicate that the NEXRAD feature results from volcanic activity. Satellite images from the same period do not show the steam or ash clouds that accompany volcanic activity, and there is no seismicity in the vicinity indicative of volcanic unrest/eruption. No earthquakes were located within 20 miles of LLVF during the last week (USGS-Caltech Seismic Net update 14:10 PDT July 27, 2011 ). No reports of eruptive activity have come in from ground observers (LLVF is within 2 miles of Interstate 40) or from regional pilots (Barstow Daggett County Airport is within 10 miles of LLVF).

The USGS monitors volcanic unrest and provides announcements of volcanic activity within the US as soon as detected and confirmed. Often, warnings of possible volcanic activity are issued in advance, based on data from satellite or ground-based sensor networks. The status of US volcanoes is always available at the Volcano Hazards Program website.

here are the previous videos I did on the subject which brought forth the USGS to make a comment in the first place -- these videos SHOW RADAR and VISIBLE SATELLITE SHOTS of the whole event.. thus proving this 2nd USGS statement totally wrong/false/lies.

videos in question, that the USGS were responding to:

videos in question, that the USGS were responding to: oldest to newest.. all in california.. all in the past 7 days PLUS a 6.0 earthquake in the region !!!

proof its not a thunderstorm:




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1 comment:

  1. I'm confused - the information you showed clearly took place in Northern California, but the statement issued by the USGS talked about Southern California. The two are very far apart.
