Sunday, June 19, 2011

Wasting Money on Waste

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Neither one of these waste management actions do I approve!

Eight million gallons of water drained from reservoir after man urinates in it

Eight million gallons of water had to be drained from a reservoir in Oregon after a man urinated in it.

The operation is costing the state's taxpayers $36,000 (£22,000) and was ordered after Joshua Seater, 21, was caught on a security camera relieving himself in the pristine lake.

Health experts said the incident would not have caused any harm to people in the city of Portland, who are supplied with drinking water from the reservoir.

They said the average human bladder holds only six to eight ounces, and the urine would have been vastly diluted.

But David Shaff, an administrator at the Portland Water Bureau, defended the decision to empty the lake.

"There are people who will say it's an over reaction. I don't think so. I think what you have to deal with here is the 'yuck' factor," he said.

"I can imagine how many people would be saying 'I made orange juice with that water this morning.' "Do you want to drink pee? Most people are going to be pretty damn squeamish about that."

8 MILLION gallons of precious water wasted because someone peed beer into a uncovered reservoir ? why not cameras pointing at the sky to watch for pooping pigeons?
Of course we will now need construction of multi-billions dollars projects to safeguard our water from birds, squirrels or human pee.
A $36,000 for taxpayers thanks to David G. Shaff, Administrator. City of Portland Water Bureau. 1120 S.W. Fifth Avenue, Room 600. Portland, Oregon 97203. (503) 823-7770

On the other hand, Poop Burgers! 
"Ikeda, a scientist at the Environmental Assessment Center in Okayama, sought to further the field of alternative proteins by recycling a form of protein-rich waste : sewage mud.
"Sewage mud" is exactly what you think it is -- poop. Ikeda's process begins by extracting protein and lipids from the "mud." The lipids are then combined with a reaction enhancer, then whipped into "meat" in an exploder. Ikeda then makes the poop more savory, by adding soya and steak sauce.
.He also notes that the burgers are extremely low in fat."
Thumbnail image for shitburger.jpg
Nonono, it's fine. The sewer flavor is killed by the heat!
​We thought there was nothing in the world that would make tempeh sound appealing. How could we have been so wrong? Hoax people, will you please tell us this peopleshit burger shit is bullshit?
Ikeda's all, "They're low in fat!" Still poop, Ikeda. He'd be like, "They can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, y'all!" Still poop. "Whatever, you've been eating Taco Bell and we all know that junk's way more disgusting than eating your own trots."
We haven't heard anything official yet, but it's a safe bet that R. Kelly's probably already got a franchise in the works.

Solution to the Global Food Crisis - Let TURD BURGERS!?

The world has gone crazy.

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  1. I did not know the reservoir was the source of water that got peed in (stupid LAME news media left that part out LOL) ... I thought it was a closed container.

    Now that I know bird would be able to drop bird droppings in it, I wonder why the pee was such a big deal... LOL

    Now that I like either, but if they had a way to remeove the bird poop, why would pee be any harder ..and contrawise, had the pee been unable to be removed, then why was bird cr@p allowed to be 'OK'?!

    I'm Flash Gordon, and I approve this message!

  2. It'll be a shame if "P" Diddy or the Black Eyed "Peas" don't pick up on the reservoir story.

    As for the sandwich well, fifty kazillion flies just CAN'T be wrong !

    ♫ Hold the pickle, hold the lettuce, ♫ . . .
