Thursday, June 23, 2011

Afterlife, The Universe, Aliens - 'Through The Wormhole'

"I'm not what you'd call a deep thinker," Morgan Freeman insists, as he posits a question about the limits of the universe. One glance at his big screen resume, with its slew of major awards for a career filled with jarring and affecting performances, would be enough to render his comment as mere self-deprecation, but a few minutes spent pondering the cosmos with Freeman leaves no question that he is just being humble.

It's not often that you'll find an Oscar winner (and five time nominee) and AFI Life Achievement Award recipient in the back reaches of cable, hosting a show about science, but as his trophy case would indicate, Freeman is a rarity. While many Hollywood players are content to live within their own stars, Freeman spends his time pondering about the ones galaxies away.
As host of "Through The Wormhole," in its second season on Science, a channel from the Discovery Networks, Freeman tackles the lofty questions in life that generally crop up in laboratories and late night chats amongst heady college freshmen. For Freeman, exploring the questions of space and existence has been a longtime love, borne of his interest in science fiction. It was that fiction that opened his eyes to the possibilities of reality -- or, whatever version of it we live in.
"[I started] thinking about possibilities and the fact that it wasn't too long ago that the world was flat, and that was a 'fact,'" Freeman recalls in a conversation with The Huffington Post. "It wasn't too long ago the universe revolved around the earth, the earth was the center of it all: 'fact.' So we're now this far along, we know a lot more about things, but they are still 'facts': nothing can travel as fast as the speed of light: 'fact.' It would take millions of years to travel to a distant star: 'fact.' Are they facts?"

Morgan Freeman 

It's a jarring series of questions to hear coming from a man who has played God on multiple occasions; but if Freeman doesn't have all the answers, his voice provides the air of authority that fills each thought with gravity.
Uploaded by  on Jun 9, 2010
Is there a creator? Find out on Science Channel's Through the 

"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Dick, Philip K.  -   Best of Philip K Dick (Paperback)

In each episode of "Wormhole," Freeman tackles from all angles, with opinions and models from researchers, scientists and philosophers, a question whose answers may yet be unknown, or, perhaps, unprovable. In one episode this season, he looks into the idea of a sixth sense, or, the ability to know something before you know it.
"I think we do," have a sixth sense, he says. "I think it's been proven a number of times that, you know, you're in a crowded room and you look around and you're looking into someone's eye and [you know what they're thinking]. We know that thoughts are energy, they create an energy and they can be directed. You go off into an empty house, you can tell it's empty before you get there."

Through the Wormhole : Science Channel

Hosted by Morgan Freeman, Through the Wormhole explores the deepest mysteries of existence — the questions that have puzzled mankind for eternity. ...

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