Thursday, May 19, 2011

UNCONFIRMED: 8.4 Mag Earthquake Libya

BREAKING: LIBYA Large 8.4 Magnitude Earthquake - 19-05-2011

This is unconfirmed.  I have not been able to verify this either in the Iris Earthquake monitor, or the Intellicast monitor

Information about the earthquake

Depth30 km
Closest citiesBaldat tuqtah (68km),Daraj (69km)

Keep watching!

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  1. Anonymous10:36 PM something major here. take a look. Institutul National pentru Fizica Pamantului

  2. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Did they lie about the Japan quake too? Did Japan really get a 6.8 like their seismologists said? Was the tsunami caused by a nuke? Were they being punished for offering enriched uranium to Iran? I think so, and I think they are being kept silent by the threat of other nukes at the bottom of the ocean off the coast of Japan.


  3. Anonymous1:01 PM

    I see that "they" shutdown the above link that did show something happened.

  4. Anonymous4:18 PM

    You won't confirm it, because it didn't happen. The folks perpetuating this game can't even decide if it was off the coast of Libya, or in the desert.
    It is a stunt, attempting to get lots of web links to a non-event.

  5. Anonymous9:26 PM

    It happened, it didn't happen? I go with it happened myself. The other natural disasters have been that, natural earth changes, a redistribution of water and the activation of portals and energy lines. Look it up and do your own research. Either way the fact remains that they, and you know who I mean are in the midst of trying to push us to full scale war. This has been the plan for longer than we have been alive on this beautiful planet. The fact is also that it will not matter in the long run as we have entered into a stellar activation cycle that is taking us home. Away from this bloodshed, hatred and blame that has dominated human kind for far to long. Now I would urge you to start looking into this as it is happening!! Take all the pissed off feelings, unsureness and lack of understanding and start using the passion for real true freedom to envision a new place here on a new earth that we can all be proud of. Be kind to each other stop the blame game and live from your heart. Now I know that some that read this will say what a crack pot or words to that effect, so be it, the truth will be the truth either way :-)

