Friday, May 20, 2011

Golden Report - Warning


Obama gave two speeches at the same time, one to those of us who know what is really happening in and to Israel and throughout the Middle East and another too the ones without a clue and are brainwashed by their CFR controlled media.  As for that second group, I will completely ignore for they are hopelessly being led down a road of certain destruction by the most clever liar and deceiver ever to sit in the White House. As for all those who fall into that second group have already left us after reading the above statement.

Let me begin by giving those who live in the USA a warning and some solid advice.  Prepare for what Obama has brought on you for you have seen nothing yet, you see the truth is, God cannot lie, and His Word is so very clear,

Gen 12:3.  And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

Zech. 12:2 Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.

[3] And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.

Zech. 12:9 And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.

[10] And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.

I realize that I am preaching to the choir and most reading this already are acutely aware of these Scriptures and dozens of others.

Obama has made his stance 100% clear, he stands with the so-called "Palestinians" and has come down of the side of the systemic destruction of Israel and the surrender of Jerusalem to God's enemies.  He knows that the 1967 borders he speaks of makes Israel completely indefensible, he says that this Terrorist Palestinians State must be bordered with Jordan, and that it must be contingent with Gaza, meaning that Judean and Samaria (West Bank) must be connected with Gaza cutting Israel in half.  Then there is the distance at Israel's narrowest place to 7 miles between this new Islamic Terrorist state and the Mediterranean Sea.  You don't have to be a military straightest to see this is not a possibility for Israel, Netanyahu will make his speech and if he stands like he should the sparks will fly between the White House and Jerusalem like never before.

If you live in the United States and you live in a remote area you may not be fully aware of what is happening in regards to the Islamic take over of your education system and some major cities like Dearborn Michigan or Detroit. Or maybe you are not aware of the Terrorist Organization building terrorist training camps around the US. You could spend a few minutes doing a search on Google or whatever search engine you use and get yourself informed.

There is much we don't know about the smooth talking liar, we know little to nothing about his family and what we do know is not good.  Most of his college and university records are locked up and cannot be viewed, He now believes he has dispelled the doubts about his place of birth and citizenship, and it seem to matter not what is exposed about him for the main line media will always protect him.  And for those of us who refuse to accept all the lies will soon find out how unpopular we really have become.

There is however good news here, God is still in control, and the reason for such a man to sit in the White House at this time is simply because God is allowing it to bring the truth of His Prophetic Word before our very eyes, if we have eyes to see. This is not to say we should accept the evil, but should be aware of it and we should always reject evil and make it flee from us.

What I noticed mostly in his speech was the quick and sudden mention of the word "contingent" because this means that according to Obama Israel must be cut in half.  It well may be that Obama has spoken clearly what is about to happen to the US as God splits it and divides it in whatever way He so Chooses.  My advice to those living in the US would be to hold on, for the road ahead will be terrible in the sight of men.

You may not like the truth, but as the Word says it will set you free, and in order to become totally free from all the above one must accept their Faith in God to deliver them, giving them a peace of mind that says there is a peace that lives inside of me that overcomes the storms around me, and I will be a witness of this love and peace that comes only through a personal relationship with Jesus (Yeshua).  Keeping in mind that eternity is a very long time, you life here is but a few years and it is more of a trail than a life, and God has given you the right tools in the spirit to be over comers.

I want to encourage you again to plant a garden if you don't have enough land do it in boxes look on the Internet or check this out on my site  Click HERE.  There is a growing world wide food shortage and prices are going to be much, much higher as the availability will become more and scarce.

What Obama has done in this speech is good, for it has made it necessary for Israel to stop looking for the US to protect her and get on her face before God for He is our source and it is in Him that we have security that will reach into eternity.

God's plan to re-gather all the Jews back to this land is about to come to pass, you and I have been called to be a part of that re-gathering, I personally count it a high blessing to stand on His Word and know that what men believe or not, has no real effect on the truth of God's Word.

It has been a hard struggle but we do have a network ready to go into action to save Jewish lives and we do have two 60-foot boats knowing that somehow God will supply a much larger boat to save many more.  Again I ask you to pray about your part in this Ministry; if God has called you to such a Ministry He loves you.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, for our son Joel and all the IDF soldiers, pray for this Ministry and your part in it.

Shalom, jerry golden


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