Thursday, May 26, 2011

Chemtrails, Aluminum,Barium,Alzheimer's,Weather Poisoning

Uploaded by  on Mar 31, 2009
Documentary Exploring
"Chemtrail" phenomenon.

By Deborah J. Whitman

Uploaded by  on Jan 30, 2011
In late 2008, local Siskiyou-Shasta county citizens voiced concerns and demanded action regarding alarmingly high levels of toxic metals such as Aluminium, Barium and strontium that are now showing up in water and snowpack across Northern California(and many other states).
Local Governments continue to not investigate the source, even as our people, waters, birds, fish and trees are dying all around us.

Footage is taken from the documentary "Sky Lines" by Deborah J Whitman:

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Chemtrails Confirmed - 2004 publication.

The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla : Haarp - Chemtrails and Secret of Alternative 4


"A good concise education on Tesla...a reference on the subject you will access often." -- BEYONDBOUNDRIES.COM

"May be the most important book yet on the mysterious wizard Nikola Tesla. Secret lost journals have been unearthed..." -- Conspiracy Journal

 Book Review

SENSATIONAL DATA OBTAINED FROM THE INVENTOR'S MOST PRIVATE PAPERS AND KEPT UNDER WRAPS BY THE MILITARY AND BIG BUSINESS CONCERNSThis book is for all those who feel that the military industrial complex is attempting to control our lives, our financial affairs and our belief structure. The evidence is overwhelming!Discredited in his time, Nikola Tesla was made out by business competitors and the government to be nothing more than a kook. Nonetheless, the same conspirators later duplicated -- and possibly even stole -- many of Tesla's most fabulous inventions which could soon change the course of history as well as our lives!
EXPOSED. . . * Reverse Gravity. * Free Energy. * Contact With Hidden Dimensions. * Mysterious Signals From Space. * Earth Changes. * Freak Weather. * Electric Death Rays. * UFOS. * Partical Beam Weapons.
Put into Top-Secret use by agents of the New World Order and the global political monetary elite, many of Tesla most powerful and potentially dangerous scientific discoveries are being turned against ordinary citizens in programs of behavior and physical modification. This is being done to influence our critical thinking and belief patterns to make us more susceptible to the mental commands of the Secret Government.One of the most recognizable of these sinister programs is the seeding of clouds with mind and body altering chemicals. These mysterious chemtrails (as they are called) have been widely seen and photographed as they cris-cross the sky in bewildering patterns. Tesla fought all his life against the "Evil Empire" which is emerging as a fire breathing dragon as we get pushed head first into the new millennium.

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