Sunday, April 17, 2011

Terrifying! Japan Tsunami Video

Please pray for the people of Japan. Indeed pray for us all.  

We’ve seen a lot of footage of the tragic Japan tsunami, but this clip is the most horrifying yet. Entitled “South Sanriku — Tsunami seen from Shizugawa High School,” it’s shot from high ground, but toward the end of the video you can see panicked residents running for their lives.
Almost as dramatic as the video is its audio track, where even if you don’t speak Japanese, you can tell the people are expressing concern at the beginning, but by the end, their voices have reached a high level of panic and horror as they watch their homes washing away.
Shortly after the tsunami, one survivor called the oncoming deluge “a gigantic pile of garbage coming down the street.” That’s an apt description, as you can see an entire town reduced to a huge pile of watery debris in a matter of minutes. Shocking.
[Via YouTube]

Please pray for the people of Japan.  Please pray for all of us.
Now, and at the hour of our death.

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1 comment:

  1. The relative insignificance of humanity never ceases to amaze. . .
