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Sunday, March 06, 2011

New Photos Of Planet X Near The Sun Mar 6

Spectacular New Photos Of Planet X Near The Sun Taken Today (March 6)

Gordon J. Gianninoto's picture
A professional photographer in Christchurch, New Zealand, captured these photographs of Planet X today. Sandi Nicole, a member of the http://poleshift.ning.comsubmitted these to the ning at the above blog link.
She used a Canon digital SLR to see it in the first place; and used various other cameras and lenses to take these photos.
Being so close to the sun it is impossible to see Planet X with the naked eye and you should not try to do so. That would be very dangerous to your eyes. But here, through an automatically adjusting exposure on the digital camera it is as plain as anything anywhere.
When finally Planet X stands far enough from the sun to be visible with the naked eye, it will take about 3 days for this information to sweep the earth and that means chaos, as the realization we are 7.3 weeks from pole shift.

These photos show that all those who allege it is only visible in the night sky, that it is a brown dwarf star, that it is way below the ecliptic, or that it is not coming for hundreds of years, are WRONG.
This is very clearly a planet surrounded by clouds of iron ore dust in the tail, illuminated from behind by the sun. The actual disk of the planet is not visible, but the huge cloud of dust following it is brightly lit and that is what we see here.
The only place to get the information that matches what NASA and people around the earth are seeing is http://www.zetatalkand these photos are absolute proof that Planet X is here and about to cause pole shift in an unknown amount of time. The human ET Zetas have given an EVENT CALENDAR not a time schedule. Thus, we have to have huge quakes in Japan, the New Madrid Fault, the rolling of the upper part of South America west into the Pacific, and a huge tsunami hitting the UK and sweeping through to wipe Denmark off the map even before pole shift. So, these are all, including this photo series, precursor events.
Have you moved to a place of safety with your loved ones and set up an unselfish survival community? Thinking you can stay in your cities and go at the last moments is the IMPOSSIBLE DREAM. What more evidence do you need? Well there will be more, and all of it will be notice that the short time is growing shorter.
Please forward these photos to everyone you know. They have been placed in the public domain and are free to distribute far and wide without permission. If you are kind, you will give credit to Sandi Nicole, for shooting them. You have my permission to post this email anywhere if you keep it in its entirety with the links.

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  1. Anonymous4:36 PM

    It's lens flare you dipshit. And I should know, I'm a professional cinematographer and photographer.

  2. Anonymous4:44 PM

    It's amazing how one moderately eloquent moron (Gordon j. Gianninoto) can turn a simple internal lens flare inside a camera into the harbinger of doom and destruction. Perhaps Mr. Gianninoto might benefit from a course in basic stellar ast...ronomy, where he would learn the rudiments of celestial mechanics, as well as discovering precisely what is a "brown dwarf." Likewise he would also benefit from reading Newton's Principia Mathematica in order to learn the basic facts of gravitational interaction among celestial bodies. Instead he casually tosses out technical terminology with the intent of making his drivel appear to be erudite and learned. (For a very basic description, read here:

    If there WERE such a body as "Planet X" of brown dwarf mass orbiting the sun INSIDE the Earth's orbit, given the mass of a brown dwarf, perturbations in the Earth's orbit would have already wreaked catastrophic climatic and tectonic changes on this planet, a consequence of disturbing the planet's orbit, as well as disturbing the orbit of the Moon around the planet. Moreover, if this hypothetical brown dwarf has been part of the Solar System since its origin, the constantly-shifting gravitational effects that it would have exerted on planetary orbits would have precluded the development of life on Earth, as the resultant frequently and irregularly changing orbit would have prevented the establishment of the sort of long-term environmental stability necessary for the origin of life. If this hypothetical brown dwarf were a relative newcomer to the Solar System, its arrival would have caused massive and unmistakable disturbances in the orbits of the outer planets as well as in the orbit of Earth; in the latter case, extremely severe climatic and tectonic would have resulted--events that would have been catastrophic for humanity when they occurred. These events would have included planet-wide climate changes taking place in a matter of months (climate change on the order of complete alteration of seasonal weather patterns and double-digit shifts upward or downward in seasonal temperature averages, not a gradual and incremental phenomenon like "global warming") as well as tectonic events involving the shift of entire continental plates, not simply local seismic events, however severe.

    Mr. Gianninoto has just made an utter and complete ass of himself, resorting to the sort of fabrication, duplicity, and manipulation of images and information the like of which the National Enquirer or the Weekly World News would be proud. Mr. Gianninoto is going to be EXTREMELY embarrassed in 7.3 weeks (to employ his time frame) when there is no polar shift, geographic or magnetic. But then, he probably won't even notice it didn't happen: he'll be off pursuing his newest hare-brained Doomsday scenario....

  3. By the way, the comment beginning "It's amazing how one moderately eloquent moron (Gordon j. Gianninoto) can turn a simple internal lens flare inside a camera into the harbinger of doom and destruction...." Unfortunately I posted it but forgot to sign it, so should anyone be so foolish as to attempt to debate this with me, please know that I am,

    Insincerely yours,

    Daniel Allen Butler

  4. It appears that Daniel is a modestly eloquent genius. I respect his opinion - Please note that the burden of guilt is upon Mr. Johnny Noto! Puns are indeed intended.

  5. Anonymous5:09 PM

    A friend of mine went out the other day after we found out about Planet X and took around 20 photos of the sun at the same time. One Photo had the same result as the pic above, but all the rest where just of the sun all alone.
    After reading quite a few web sites about Plant X, they all seem to say (and agree) that the object would be in the 11 o'clock position near the sun when looking from the southern hemisphere. As you can clearly see in the photo above, his photo was taken from New Zealand which most of you would know is in the southern Hemisphere. So why is the object in the 6 o,'clock position?

  6. Anonymous8:22 AM

    I also had a similar "duplicate" image in my video sunglasses whilst looking towards the sun a few days ago........lens flare I suspect rather than DOOM & GLOOM.

  7. Anonymous7:40 AM global warming

  8. I live in ontario canada and tried to debunk the planet x. I heard it was in the suns glare at approx 5pm to the sun. We are in Winter and tilted away from the sun. The sun has bearely risen off the horizon for months (strange) but today it seemed to snap back in place high in the sky. I took a picture, reduced the glare and to my amazement there is a small orb at the 5pm position. I took photos from different angles and the spot is still there in the same place. I was a non believer...but what I found is unexplainable...I am floored. I even took a picture through a sun glass lens and it was still there!


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